Full review coming soon – for now check out my video:
Video Review Transcript
Hey, how’s it going? It’s Sam Frost here from reviewsboss.com. Now in this video I am bringing you a quick review of SERPROBOT. So SERPROBOT used to be known as serplab.co.uk. That’s what I sort of always knew it as for when I first started using the product, but they rebranded last year to SERPROBOT, which is, I guess a more generic and you know, international name getting rid of that .co.uk domain. Now, SERPROBOT is probably one of the more popular SERP tracking products or search engine ranking position tracking products if you’ve watched, you know, affiliate marketing tutorials on YouTube, or SEO tutorials, you’ll often see people using this product when I actually dive into the interface you’ll probably recognize it actually, to be honest. It’s got quite a familiar interface view basically, been working in the online marketing space for any length of time.
Now the reason I want to review this product is because it’s changed its pricing. So in the past SERPROBOT used to be free with a premium add-on. So the way it would work as you could register for a free account, and you could basically have unlimited tracking, for free for a small project or couple of small sites, you know, so if you had like one or two affiliate websites or business website because you own a physical business, or maybe just a couple of clients, you could use SERPROBOT for free. Unfortunately, it’s changed now, so what has changed to is you get 14 days for free and then you have to pay. So what I want to do in this review is basically determine whether or not SERPROBOT is worth paying for.
Bear in mind that whatever you’re doing with regards to SEO and tracking search rankings, you really do need to have a proper search ranking tracking tool it’s not good enough to just spot check your own results. You know, jumping on Google or on your phone and just searching for your keywords and checking where you rank. I know a lot of business owners tend to do that, it’s just not good practice. I know they will doing affiliate marketing do it. Sometimes there’s some value in it if you think there’s something weird going on with your search results, but as a rule, you need to have a dedicated independent tool to check out your ranking. So SERPROBOT is the one I use the most, and so what I want to do in this review is just cover some of the features, some of the benefits, some of the things that don’t like about it, look at whether the pricing represents good value for money and then give you a recommendation on whether or not you should use it.
So right off the bat, the first thing you notice is this [piece 00:02:25] called free SERP check. Now, if we load up the free SERP check basically what this is, is a spot checking tool. So we could put in a domain here, I’m going to put in my reviewsboss.com domain, and we’re going to check where I rank for ClickBank review, and confirm I’m not a robot. And hopefully I don’t get hit with a capture and then we checks SERPs, and then what it’s going to do is actually go and spot check that. This is like the more legit equivalent of basically sitting behind your computer and just choosing to search and with any luck, we’ll see a … Yeah, here we go we can see a ranking. So my website reviewsboss.com is positioned 12 in U.S. Google Search rank for ClickBank review, and it’s showing here the key word, it’s showing the position, and it’s showing the URL what’s showing up.
Now interestingly enough, one of the advantages of tracking your SERP results is the fact that I have a page on my site that’s actually called ClickBank review. So reviewsboss.com/clickbankreview and [that 00:03:27] historically been ranking really well for this keyword and now that seems to have moved off, and been replaced with this particular smaller article here that’s not so detailed called is ClickBank a scam. Now, I’m basically analyzing what’s going on there, you know, maybe Google is not indexing my page for some reason, maybe I’ve been penalized whatever but having the automatic SERP tracking set up through SERPROBOT, I was basically able to see this has become an issue.
And once you’ve done your spot checking for free, they push you towards testing the SERPs or tracking them automatically with the tool. Now, this is the bit that used to be free for the limited plan but as you can see you now try it totally free of charge for 14 days. So all you have to do is register and go through the process. And once you’ve registered, you’ll basically see something like this. Now, this is my account here that you can say there’s a whole lot of projects I’ve blurred them out because some of them I don’t want to disclose what they are, you know, so basically, all the private information I’ve got is going to be blurred, and I hope you don’t mind too much. But basically, if you were sitting up your SERPROBOT account for the first time you would hit something like this, you just wouldn’t see any … Where there’s the blurred content, you wouldn’t see anything. And what you would do is you’d add a new project.
So what we’re going to do is add a new project here, and I’m going to add a project for my samfrost.co.nz website that’s for my digital marketing consulting business, so we’re going to call that Sam Frost DMC, digital marketing consultant, the domain name is samfrost.co.nz. Now, they tell you here when you add in your domain name, you don’t need to use the HTTP or the www. you just add in the domain name as you registered it, basically. You can also use specific URLs, so if you want to check something like a YouTube video or a particular page of the site. If you were to just check a YouTube video, using the domain level checking, it would check other videos on YouTube. But if you wanted to check a specific YouTube video that you’ve uploaded, then that’s the option you would use. Then what you’re able to do is add in your keyword. So Sam Frost, digital marketing, I could add as a keyword, samfrost.co.nz just to see where I rank for my own URL, Sam Frost SEO.
Now you can also add keywords in bulk, so you can come in, and you can add with comma separation or as a list a whole load of keywords as well. So if you’re copying out of another tool, this is a really effective way to do it. And we can go back to single mode, now you can pick a region so in this case, I want to pick New Zealand region because the site, samfrost.co.nz as the name implies, is only relevant to New Zealand. If you’re doing an international campaign or website, you want to go for the standard option, which is global/U.S. there are also advanced options as well. You can search for normal Google results, Google Local, so the local pack, Bing, Yahoo and YouTube you can make the searching, or the tracking cameras if it’s from desktop, phone, or tablet. And you can actually specify a more specific search location, so I can specify here Christchurch, New Zealand.
Basically because if we do this, it should then show yep, Christchurch, New Zealand. Cool, it recognizes that as a place that’s where I live, that’s where I’m based, so it’s verified that location exists. Most of my business comes from there, so we’re going to actually target in not just in New Zealand but Christchurch specifically. You can select result languages, so you might say I only want to check English results, and you can say I only want to check results from a specific country. I’m going to leave that as default though. And what we do now is we add the project. And once the project is added, it will appear at the bottom of the project list. And then what were able to do is actually go in and check that project. And what we can see here is that at the moment, the search check ranking is in progress, so it’s all in progress. It’s got my keywords here.
Once that’s updated, we should actually be able to go in and see results, so you can see things like your search frequency, or check frequency, so I could change my check frequency to be … What could I change it to? I could change it to every two hours, every two days, every year. Twenty-four hours is the default option is what I usually leave at it, but you might have a reason to change this. If you’ve got a big site that moves quickly, you might want to use something more frequent, like a news style site, but if you’ve got a site that you know, very new, or you don’t have any specific reason to change it, I would just change it or leave it at 24 hours. You can add competitors that you want to check against, and you can also set up automatic email reporting as well, which is quite handy. So if you’re working with clients, and you want to make sure they know what’s happening, you can set up reporting.
One thing to bear in mind, of course, is that if one of their keywords drops, and that gets caught on the report, you know, you don’t have a chance to basically stop that from happening. If you use a reporting tool slido.com, which I will do another review on that. Slido allows you to say, hey, if any of these KPIs fall below a certain point, I don’t want the report to go out send me a notification instead so I can check what’s happened, because it can be embarrassing to send an automated report that makes it look like something really bad has happened, so just bear that in mind. You can force refresh your keywords as well, you can refresh search volume, so it brings in search volume data, so you can see, okay, I’m ranking position seven for keywords that’s got a monthly search volume of 7,200 or whatever. You can export your data as a CSV, and you can review reporting over any time period.
And you can always add more keywords as well just by hitting the add keywords button, and we could add some more keywords Sam Frost marketing, Sam Frost digital marketing consultant, marketing consultant Christchurch, digital marketing consultant nz, I’m just going to add some more keywords just to show you how that feature works. And now we can say that these keywords here have actually refreshed, so these ones Sam Frost digital marketing, samfrost.co.nz, Sam Frost SEO, they’ve all refreshed. We can now see that my latest position is one, my best position is one, and my first position is one as well. You can see when it was last updated, and it will show you the URL that was found. And what’s quite cool is you can actually go in, and inspect specific results. So here we can see, if we click on this one we can look at, for the keyword Sam Frost digital marketing, my website is number one, my Facebook page is number two, and then it’s actually some other pieces or other websites that I’m listed on. The network is like a networking group I’m a member of, my LinkedIn profile is here, businessnetworking.nz that’s a directory. Bolster, that’s a sort of collaborative project I’m involved in, and so on and so forth. So it’s pretty clever how this works.
And you can also check your results over time using the graph as well or you can analyze further you can open the result by clicking, and here you can see what it actually looks like in real life. Now, this is obviously looking at my search, yours might be a little bit different if you’re from overseas. And yeah, it’s all pretty clever. You can actually add notes as well, so you can add tags, so you can say hey, I’m, you know, tagging this as being you know, a crucial keyword or whatever. And then you can also delete keywords as well. So, basically, it’s a pretty clever tool, you can track by looking at the full keyword [detail 00:10:56] your performance of the time. You’re obviously not going to say much here, you can also see a sort of audit log or check history.
Now, if we go and look at a project that’s got a bit more meat to it. So, I’ll open up the Reviews Boss project itself because this has been here for a while. You’re actually going to say a bit more detail here, so what we can see it since I last check, we can say the average position of Reviews Boss across the keywords I’m tracking has worsened from 21.06 to 23.40, eight out of my 52 keywords have improved though. I’ve got 19 out of my 52 keywords in the top three, 32 out of 52 are in the top 10, 44 out of 52 are in the top 30, and 49 out of 52 are in the top 100. And now I can see my full list of keywords, and you can see here versus that fresh project I setup there’s a lot more data. So we can order by any of these, so I can order by change. So this particular piece here ClickBank review, that was a new key word that I added just yesterday, actually, so you can see here that it’s not actually picking up a change because of the fact that it’s new.
But if we were to look at these ones here, like Proposify review, the best change I’ve had is -3 positions or three closer to number one for this keyword. We can also order it the other way as well and see what’s worse, and so we could see that okay, SaleHoo review, I’ve added 11 positions, so I’ve gone backwards 11 positions. Strikingly review, I’ve disappeared off the results. You can do the same for your latest rankings. Usually, this is what I use the latest one filtered from top to bottom, so you can basically go through and see how you rank. You can do the same for best … First is what you were first identified as being as when you added that keyword. Volume is the search volume U.S. and then global. You can hover over this as well, and you can see what it’s telling you. When was it last updated and what URL was found. And once again, with this, you’ve got a little bit more opportunity to actually break down and see those keyword details, so how did you perform over time.
So if we add this key word here, and we look, you know, on a monthly timescale, we can see basically, I’ve sat at number one for quite some time. But on Sunday, March the 17th, it actually dropped back to position two and then came back up to position one. And we can go back further in time as well, I should be able to go all the way back to about 2018 I think, and here you can see the breakdown of that, which is quite cool. So yeah, basically, very clever tool in terms of what it presents, the interface is quite good as well I do find it pretty easy. If I wanted to force refresh this keyword, I could do that here as well. And then finally, you can see a sort of aggregated performance of how your website is doing over time. So you can see here this is from April 2018 to April 2019 you can see how my average position has been tracking, so really quite a useful tool. There’s lots going on, there’s lots to work with.
Anything here, you can basically, refresh manually, you’re not locked into the keywords you select, you’ve basically got lots of options to work with. So there is quite a lot of power in this tool, you can add notes, you can do all sorts of stuff. Yeah, there’s heaps and heaps going on, basically. So you can also copy your keywords to a new project, for some reason you wanted to say, do a version of that project that looked at the mobile specific rankings, or if you want to do a version of your project that looked at different geo location, so you’re tracking New Zealand and then you want to do your website for Australia, but you want to keep the keywords the same. You don’t need to manually enter them again, you can just copy them to a new project and set that new project up. So the functionality of the tool is very straightforward, I don’t think you’ll struggle with how this tool works.
What I want to now do is look at the pricing, so if we come back and have a look at the pricing for SERPROBOT, basically how it works is that you get 14 days for free with a single robot. So a robot … It’s hard to say exactly how much you get with a robot, so SERPROBOT works on this basis of robots, SERP Bots. And one bot gives you X amount of functionality and then you have to add more. So I pay for two I believe. You can see here that one SERP robot gets you 300 searches a day, So basically, if you’re needing to do more than 300 searches a day on SERP robot, you’d have to buy two, so … The cheapest plan is $4.99 a month at the moment, then you could have two SERP robots for $9.98 U.S. a month, that gives you up to 600 searches a day. I’ve got all those projects in there, and I only pay this amount 600 searches a day, and it works fine.
I’ll probably soon go up to the three bots for 900 searches a day, still very reasonably priced. You can pay yearly as well and lock in a bit more of a discount. I believe it’s discounted, at least maybe it’s not at the moment, certainly in the past it had being that the yearly pricing was a bit sharper but if we actually compare now, it really doesn’t look that much different. So I’d probably just pay monthly to be honest. And you can basically see here that each additional SERP bot gives you extra 300 daily keyword checks and only costs $4.99 a month. Now, where some confusion has come is in the original serplab.co.uk version of this and up until recently, they didn’t do a very good job at explaining what you got when you pay for a SERP robot. It was kind of like, hey, we’ll give you one for free, and then if feel like you need more, maybe things are running slowly, or you’re running out of capability, we’ll encourage you to buy another one. And if you come back to your dashboard, you can actually see how much of your SERP robot functionality is using.
So you can see here that I have two SERP bots, I can check 325 checks per 24 hours. I’ve got 214 keywords, and it’s giving me an estimated workload. So basically of my two SERP bots, this first one here, he’s used up fully, this next one is basically using about 63 percent of his workload, so I’ve got quite a bit left to run. Now this one I have here is free, because basically, I think I’m grandfathered in on an old plan where you don’t have to pay for your first bot. If you’re signing up fresh you do need to pay right from the get go. They’ve actually got an explanation here. We couldn’t afford to keep SERP bot 100 percent free. So we’ve switched to a 14 day free trial, and then crazy cheap pricing for all of our paid users. So basically, to conclude, is SERPROBOT worth buying, is it worth paying for? I think it is, I think if you want a professional SERP checking tool. I really like it, I think it’s very functional. It seems to be quite accurate in its tracking. It’s easy to work with, And it is well priced. I mean, for the average user, you know, you’re probably going to be able to pay $5 a month and get all the tracking you need with good accuracy.
You know, even if you’re doing you know, lots of client work, you don’t need to spend too much compared to some tools. If you’re using something else like SEMrush or whatever that’s already got SERP tracking built into it, you probably don’t need to use it. Another example is the [main goals 00:18:26] tool suite, which I will review on this channel, once again, you don’t need to … If you’ve already got something like that you don’t need to pay for SERPROBOT. But if you’re sitting there thinking, I don’t have any form of SERP tracking software, in my toolkit, and I want to do it effectively, but without spending too much money SERPROBOT is a great place to begin. One other feature as well to mention is if you’re working with clients, you can actually give them view key access, so they don’t need a login or anything. And you don’t have to keep sending them reports, you can give them a view key for your project that you then send them to SERPROBOT, and they login with that view key. And then they’re able to actually see the project you’ve set up for them and check it at any stage. And that can be really helpful as well, so just bear in mind that last feature.
But yeah, in conclusion for the SERPROBOT review if you need something to track your search results on Google, I highly recommended it, I think it’s a good tool. I think it’s reasonably priced, the interface is a bit dated, sometimes it can bug out a little bit. There have been a few times in the past where you go in and there’s just a message saying our SERP robots are broken or overwhelmed, and there’s a big time lag with checking. Sometimes … I don’t think any tool is 100 percent accurate, so sometimes it won’t track things accurately. But on the balance of probabilities and all things being considered, I do like SERPROBOT. So yeah, if you found this video useful, please leave a like, if you’ve got a comment or question, drop a comment below, and subscribe to my channel for more honest and detailed reviews of digital marketing products and services, as well as reviews and tutorials on how you can grow your business online. Thank you so much for watching.
SERPRobot.com Review
Value For Money
Ease Of Use
Product Quality