How To Make Money With Facebook Pages – The Ultimate Guide

How To Make Money With Facebook Pages – The Ultimate Guide

This guide is under development – but there’s a lot of useful info in here for the time being. I spun this out from an eBook I was going to write and sell, but decided I would give it all away for free instead!

So sit back, relax, and learn how to make money with Facebook pages in an ethical and sustainable fashion.


Facebook is big, like really big. Every day, millions of people use the platform to connect with friends and family, get informed on current events, and be entertained through content posted on pages and groups that they like.

As you can expect, with such a big audience of people who are passionate about all kinds of things, there is huge opportunity to make money on Facebook.

This guide – The Profitable Pages Blueprint – aims to be your quick-start solution to building, growing and monetizing Facebook pages.

I’ve tried to write it in such a way that you learn everything you need to know to get started now, and the rest can come later on.

You should be able to chew through this guide in around 30-40 minutes, leaving you just enough time to set up your first page.

Of course, if it takes you longer than an hour to get everything underway, don’t panic – good things take time and patience is a virtue!

About me

I’m a freelance digital marketing consultant, based in Christchurch, New Zealand. For my “day job” I help businesses around the world develop and implement winning digital strategies that help them reach their target audience and become more profitable.

You can connect with me on (just mention you bought the Blueprint), and find out more about my consulting business at

I’ve been selling products and services online for over 10 years now, and have been fortunate enough to work for a number of leading brands.

I also love creating short, sharp “to-the-point” digital information products that are packed with value, and devoid of the fluff and filler that accompanies most products.

When I’m not working on my business, I love playing guitar, hitting the gym, and taking my dogs out for walks. I’m also partial to a lazy evening in front of the TV every now and then as well!

I stand by the products I create, and want to offer top-notch support. You can get help at any time by emailing me on


High Level Process Overview

Before we get into specifics, here is a high level overview of the process we will be following in the Blueprint.

Everything below will be expanded on in its relevant chapter:


  1. Tools and resources needed
  2. Picking a niche for your page
  3. Setting up the page
  4. Setting up scheduling using FPTraffic
  5. Finding content
  6. Getting an initial audience
  7. Growing that audience and increasing engagement
  8. Monetizing your audience
  9. Tips, tricks, pitfalls
  10. Conclusion and next steps, resources and support


There’s a lot to get through, so let’s crack into it. Remember, this guide is very much “to the point” – I’m only telling you what you need to know to get started today. As with all things in life, this Blueprint largely boils down to your ability to execute and take action!

The Goal

Now you know the overall process we will be following through this guide, it’s time to look at the goal of what we’re trying to achieve with pages.


This is slightly esoteric, so pay close attention so that you get the gist of what you need to achieve.


Basically, what you are aiming to do is create pages that reach a lot of people who are all interested in the same topic/niche, and then engage them (not in the marriage sense – in the sense of getting them to interact with the content you post).


If you know anything at all about Facebook, then you’ll know that Facebook has a problem with pages getting organic reach.


In fact, only a couple of months ago, a new update dropped that significantly hammered a lot of businesses that were completely reliant on Facebook for driving traffic to their websites.


I’ve been lucky so far – the tactics I’ve used have allowed me to enjoy good results, in spite of all this.


And there’s a reason for it. That reason is that I focus on delighting my audience and growing a real community, by posting first and foremost content that gets good reach and engagement.


This means that when I do go and post “monetization content” I get decent cut through.


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Tools/Resources Needed

There are a few basic tools and resources you’ll need before you can proceed.


In order to follow the Blueprint, you’ll need:


  • A Facebook account and personal profile. Chances are you’ve already got one. If you don’t, just Google “set up Facebook profile”.
  • FPTraffic membership ($10 USD per month, available here) – I consider this tool to be essential for the Blueprint method. There are other Facebook scheduling tools available, but this one has a number of powerful features that we will be piggy backing off. Yes, that is my affiliate link. If you’re not convinced on FPTraffic, you can read my review of it here.
  • A Facebook ads account. Go here for instructions to set one up.
  • Some initial money to do advertising for page likes. I suggest starting with $2 USD per day and scaling up. So if you can afford a cup of coffee before work, you can afford to grow your pages!
    • If you don’t have any money at all, I’ll be sharing some strategies you can use to get started for free as well.


Once you’ve got those items sorted, you’re ready to move on to the fun part – picking the niche/topic for your first Facebook page!

Picking A Niche

This is perhaps the most important thing to get right if you want to see success from Facebook pages.


The right niche/topic will allow you to build up an engaged, target audience of people who are passionate about the subject you’ve chosen, and who share it with other people they know who share that passion.


The wrong niche/topic will result in you struggling to get traction, and you’ll burn out quickly through no results.


Here are my high level tips:


  • Choose “passions” – hobbies, entertainment franchises, brands, pets/animals.
  • Pick something you’re interested in, it will make the whole process a lot more fun and engaging.
  • Think about pages you like/follow
  • Avoid generic meme pages.
  • Check monetization potential before you begin (if you’ve followed the point about picking a passion this shouldn’t be a problem, but see my specific comments about this below).



Check the cheat sheet

When you purchased this Blueprint, you should also have received in the ZIP file it came in a “cheat sheet”. This has a whole bunch of niche ideas listed. If you’re struggling to come up with something, pick one of those.


Also feel free to email me on if you need help picking a niche. I even provide a consultancy service where I can do the entire process of building your page, optimizing it, finding initial content & products etc (that is at an extra cost, but just asking me for niche advice is totally free).

Cross-Promotion Potential

This is an important concept to get your head around if you want to maximise your potential to do well down the track, and is something you should think about before you even begin building your first page.


You want to pick a niche/topic where there is good potential to leverage the audience you build to grow more pages down the track.


I’ll use the example of a Ferrari fan page. People who like Ferraris are also likely to be interested in:


  • Lamborghini
  • Porsche
  • Aston Martin
  • Other luxury/sports car brands
  • Cars in general


This is where having a passion for your niche/topic comes in handy. Because you already know the subject, you will be in with a good shout to understand other related topics that you can use to build more pages in the future.


However, if you picked Amazonian Dung Beetle Fancy as your niche, chances are that even though you potentially could build an audience on Facebook, there isn’t a logical “next step” to leverage that audience to grow another page.


Once you’ve got your first page created and growing, provided you picked a good topic, you’ll be able to leverage off it to build your next one, and so on until you have a powerful “network” built up in a wider topic, like cars, pets, live action comedy shows, horror movies, country musicians or whatever.


Getting a head start on the new pages you create – using the leverage of your existing network – opens up massive opportunities and saves you time and money when it comes to growing your empire.


I’ve used this approach to great effect, growing a network of about 6 pages in a short space of time, all leveraged off one main page.


This can be a confusing concept to get your head around, so I’ve recorded a video here that will help:



Creating Your First Page

Now comes the fun bit, we get to put everything into action. You should have a niche picked, and you’re now ready to build.


I’ve tried to make this step as concise as possible. If you get confused, consult the accompanying video at


For this Blueprint, I’ve actually taken to creating a new page called “Rick & Morty Fan Club”. Throughout the remainder, I’ll show you the exact steps I take with all new pages I create.


In this section, every step is accompanied with a photo to help you understand what you need to do. Remember, you can also visit that link above for a detailed video (it shows me setting up a generic test/example page).


Firstly, go to


Next, select the type of page you want. Usually you’ll be picking from any of the last four options. I’m doing a TV show, so I pick the relevant category from “Entertainment”:


Once that’s loaded, you need to give your new page a name. Remember to choose wisely. I like to pick a page name that accurately describes to a prospective follower what the page is about. That’s why I chose “Rick & Morty Fan Club”.


Other formats that work well include:


  • [name] fan club/page
  • We love [name]
  • Fans of [name]


It just needs to be clear what your page is about from the outset. Try to avoid using group in the title, because Facebook Groups are a different thing altogether.


Once you’ve named your page (check carefully for spelling errors, of course) you should hit “Get Started”.


You’ll be greeted with something like this:


This is prompting you to upload a profile picture for your page. Go to Google Images and find a suitable image for your page. Something that immediately conveys what your page is about.


Once you’ve done that, you’ll be prompted to upload a cover photo. Same thing goes here:


Upload your cover photo, and then continue on to your freshly-created page. You’ll see something like this:


Too easy. Now, Facebook will prompt you to do two very important things (short description and username).


Let’s start with the short description. This is where you write a few sentences describing what your page is about and who it is for:


Save that, and move on to the next step which is picking a username/vanity URL for your page.


Unless you’ve picked a totally obscure niche, you’ll probably find that the exact username you want is taken. Don’t worry – just pick something that communicates the purpose of your page and is logical:


I often like to add “unofficial” in places, so that people know I’m not the official page (if it’s a TV show, brand or whatever). However, I also know some people who have done really well by pretending to be an official page, but this is a deceptive and black hat strategy, albeit potentially highly effective.


Once you’ve set up your username (once again, pick carefully and spell check it), you should click the “About” link on the left hand navigation.


This is where you can add a whole raft of extra info. It’s worth filling this out because you want to make your page look as legitimate as possible.


Depending on the page type you selected earlier, what you see here will vary significantly:


After that’s done, you can create a Story for your page. This is your opportunity to wax lyrical about why you created the page. Don’t go overboard here, just talk about the fact that you wanted to make a great place to go for fans of [your niche] to hang out on Facebook.


Once you’ve created the Story and filled out any other relevant data, the basic set up of your page is done. Here’s what mine looked like:


Great work! Now it’s time to connect FPTraffic and start populating your page with some content.

Setting Up FPTraffic & Schedule

By this stage, you’ve got a niche and you’ve got a page.


Now it’s time to do two key things:


  1. Link your Facebook page with FPTraffic.
  2. Set up your page schedule

Linking your page with FPTraffic

This is actually super easy. Firstly, you need to have registered for FPTraffic. If you haven’t done that, then do so here.


Once that is done, just log in to FPTraffic:


If you’re also logged in to your Facebook account, then the pages under your control will pull in after you authorize the application.


This whole process takes about 30 seconds.


Boom, you’re ready to move on to the next step!

Setting up your page schedule


Before you can go any further, it’s critical to set up your page schedule on FPTraffic. You need to do this before you start adding content. Why? Because any content you add without a schedule configured will simply be removed automatically from your queue.


Here’s how to do it:


Start by clicking on Pages, and then Schedules.


At this stage (unless you have created other pages in the past) you’ll only have one page to select. So pick it and manage schedules.


I usually always pick 9am and 9pm for my pages. My experience has been that 2x per day scheduled posting is good. 3x can be okay, but is often too much (and you’ll burn through your queue quickly). 1x generally isn’t enough.


I learned the 2x rule from Luke, the creator of FPTraffic, and it has always served me well.


Also remember that the schedule is based off the time that the FPTraffic server is running. It’s a USA timezone, so if your main audience is in the USA then this won’t be relevant to you. However, let’s say you were based in Syndey, and your page is only relevant to Australians (“Victoria Bitters memes”, anyone?). You’d want to work out 9am and 9pm Syndey time, and then convert that to server time to pick the right posting time.


You’ll see a drop down like this:


Whatever you do, make sure you save your schedule before proceeding. Look out for the yellow notification. If you don’t have a set schedule and you go off and load in content, it will just be deleted and you’ve wasted that time:


Now we’re ready to move on to finding content!


How Much Can I Make?


This is a real “how long is a piece of string” question. There is no easy way to say, and the focus of this guide is NOT on giving you some unrealistic expectation about what you’re going to make.


My view of Facebook pages is primarily that they can be a fun, enjoyable, relatively passive source of income. Due to Facebook’s recent crackdown on organic reach, you’re probably not going to become a millionaire.


Therefore, the way to view the potential of Facebook pages (in my humble opinion) is as a profitable hobby.


Realistically, I believe you should be able to hit at least $10 per day profit within 3-6 months of working on your page for no more than 15 minutes a day (on average).


However, results will vary significantly, depending on your niche, what products/offers you monetize with, and your ability to put your own spin on things.


For reference, in the past 12 months I have made around $10,000 in revenue from affiliate sales, ad clicks and viral media site sales, spending no more than 15-20 minutes a day (on the couch, watching TV I might add) to get there.

Pitfalls, Tips & Tricks

By now you should have a Facebook page set up and ready to go, as well as a good understanding of how to:


  • Find great content (including the types of content that work and the types that are less effective)
  • Advertise to your target audience, getting likes, engagement and reach.
  • Boost interaction with your page.
  • Come up with good monetization strategies and implement them


At this stage, you’re ready to take the training wheels off and hit the ground running.

Before you get too involved, I want to cover some key pitfalls you need to be aware of, as well as tips and tricks that will help you to get the best possible results out of your pages.

Pitfalls – things to be aware of:

  • When crafting text message to accompany your posts, be wary of using “engagement bait” copy. This used to work really well, but Facebook has cracked down heavily on the use of engagement bait and can actively throttle your reach.
  • Social media thrives on sharing. If you see a post that is performing well on a competitor’s page, you’re probably okay to swipe it and republish. However, be wary of
  • DO NOT – under any circumstances – upload clips from videos, movies, songs etc. You can get your page shut down quickly doing this.
    • Look around for another page that has made the mistake of doing this, and then share their clip (grab the post permalink and post that on your timeline). Because of the way Facebook works, it’s pretty much impossible to get your page in trouble for doing that.
  • Always keep an eye out for Facebook algorithm changes and platform news. I’ll keep you updated in the Facebook Page Profits group, as well as through the Profitable Pages Blueprint newsletter. But it pays to do your own research as well.
  • As your page grows, you will start getting lots of messages sent through (see my comment below about this). Unfortunately, there are many nasty people out there who scam unsuspecting page owners by sending messages that claim “you have violated FB terms of service”, and include phishing links. If you click one of these links, you can wind up losing access to your page through admin-jacking, or be redirected to some kind of extortion arrangement that tries to get you to pay to make the problem go away.
    • Facebook will never send you a message through the admin message system, asking you to click a link, verify your details or whatever.
    • Look carefully when you receive one of these links – the URL you are asked to click will always be “off” … something like instead of
  • Be wary of people offering to pay your huge sums of money to put advertising posts on your Facebook page. You’ll get a message that looks like this:


These messages are always fake, and are scams. Avoid like the plague. Remember: If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is a scam.


Tips and tracks


  • Have fun. Treat this as a hobby that can make you money. If you enjoy yourself, you’ll get better results – I promise.
  • Always think from the perspective of your fans and what they are most likely to enjoy/want to see from the pages they follow. Get inside their shoes and you will do a lot better.
  • Respond to messages that come through to your page. This helps boost your reputation, and shows your audience your care. You will be rewarded with better results for doing this.




Recommended reading:


  • Reviews Boss – my blog where I provide honest, detailed reviews of products for digital marketing professionals.
    • If you’ve got a product you’d like reviewed (either because you want to sell it OR because
  • My LinkedIn profile – I frequently post here on topics related to Facebook page marketing and monetization. Feel free to reach out and connect. Just mention you’re a Blueprint customer and I’ll gladly do so.
  • Luke Peerfly


FPTraffic – Essential Tool

As mentioned in the required tools section, you need to have an account set up for FPTraffic.


FPTraffic is important for three key reasons:


  1. You can schedule hundreds of posts at a time for your page, saving you time.
  2. You can find content directly within the app and add it to your queue, saving you time.
  3. You can upload images en masse that you have scraped (or found using the handy Chrome browser extension), saving you time.


Go here to sign up for FPTraffic. It’s only $10 USD a month. That is peanuts for something that will save you dozens, if no hundreds of hours a year. Without it (or any other scheduling tool) you will have to spend significantly more time managing your page(s), reducing the effectiveness of this method.


Remember, the Blueprint is all about teaching you a method you can complete in 10-15 minutes a day, sitting on the couch, while watching TV and having a beer! Without FPTraffic you’ll have to put in a lot more effort.


Go here to register now for FPTraffic.

Finding Content

By now, you’ve got a page set up and basic info filled out. You’ve also got FPTraffic set up and your schedule set.


Now you’re ready to dive into finding content for your queue.


There are heaps of different ways to get content (in fact, so many that I could probably write another whole guide just about that).


But what I want to focus here is on five key methods that will get you up and running in no time at all.


Additional, more advanced methods will be shared:


  • In the Facebook Page Profits Group
  • In Fan Page Blueprint newsletters
  • In premium add-ons to this guide.


FPTraffic Bing Image Search

The first method I recommend when you create a new page is using the Bing Image scraper in FPTraffic.


Due to API restrictions, there is no Google Images functionality. But this is the next best thing.


To get started, hit “Find Content” on the FPTraffic nav bar, and then hit Bing:


Select your page, and then add a keyword to search for content.


What you search here will largely depend on the niche you’ve chosen. For example, if you made a page called “British Bulldog Fans” then you might search for:


  • British bulldog
  • British bulldog puppies
  • Cute british bulldogs


And so on.


I know that quote-style content works well with my target audience, so I picked “Rick and morty quotes” as my search:


Once you’ve hit “find images” you’ll see the results:


You can scroll down, and load more as you go along. Depending on your keyword selection, there could be hundreds of images to pick from.


To add a post to your queue, all you do is click on it. It will appear on the queue pane on the right:


Congratulations. You’ve now got your first queued posts! Once the server time hits your scheduled time, the first item in your queue will be posted to your page.


Scraping Reddit content

Another technique I always use with pages (where possible) is scraping relevant subreddits for content.


FPTraffic has an inbuilt Reddit tool, which is super handy.


Reddit is a website that has various boards (subreddits) that are focused around a specific topic. If you’ve picked a “passion niche”, chances are you will be able to find at least one subreddit that has great content for your pages.


To find a suitable subreddit, just Google “ [your niche]”.


For example:


The first result looks gold!


Doesn’t this look like it’s going to be jam-packed with awesome content for my page? Hopefully your subreddit will be the same.


Remember that there can often be 3, 4, 5+ subreddits for a particular topic, so look around for more than the first one you find.


What you need to do is grab the bit of the subreddit URL that sits after – in this case that would be “rickandmorty” (no speech marks, of course).


Copy and paste that, and then from the nav menu, select Reddit:


On the screen that loads, select your page and then add the Reddit URL snippet you copied earlier. Then hit “Search Images”.


FPTraffic will scrape suitable image posts from that subreddit, and as with the Bing image search you just click on the ones you want to add to your queue.


I regularly use Reddit as a source of great content, and have found some of my best-performing posts on there.


Funnily enough, a couple of my pages are now so big that I frequently see the subreddits for the topics I cover re-posting the content I post to my pages. What goes around, comes around!


Getting best performing content from Reddit

One thing to note is that the FPTraffic Reddit scraper just grabs content in a chronological order – newest to oldest.


This is great for finding fresh content, but I want to show you a quick trick that will help you find content with massive potential to go viral.


All you need to do is head back to the subreddit you visited earlier, and find a set of links that say “hot, new, rising, controversial, top” or similar.


Click “top”


Then click “all time” – this will show you the best performing content from the history of that subreddit.


Some of the content won’t be suitable (text posts, links etc) but you will find some pure gold nuggets here.


FPTraffic browser extension

The next method for grabbing content I want to share is using the FPTraffic browser extension.


This is actually one of the fastest ways of all to grab content.


Here’s what you need to do.


Firstly, Go here and install the FPTraffic Chrome extension. If you don’t already use Chrome, you’ll obviously need to have that installed first.


Once the extension is installed, find a page that has content you’d like to scrape. For example, I just did a quick Google for “Rick and Morty quotes” and picked the first thing that looked good.


Once the page has loaded, click the extension icon in your extensions bar:


This will show something like the following:


There are basically three things you can do here. The first is click a checkbox next to an image. You’ll see the “X of Images Selected” counter go up when you do this. You can also Select All and pick every image on the page, but bear in mind this means literally every image that FPTraffic can identify.


Once you’re done selecting, you hit the blue button, and a window will appear with a bunch of links:


Copy all those URLs, and then click the link that says


On that screen, pick your Facebook page, paste in the URLs, and save. Boom, you’ve just added even more content to your queue! Nice work!


The great thing about the FPTraffic Chrome extension is that it makes it super easy to grab content while you’re browsing the net.

Getting great content from niche groups

The final content getting tactic I want to teach you at this stage of your pages journey is finding awesome posts in niche groups.


Facebook can basically be divided into three main “things”:


  • Personal Facebook profiles (this is what you use to interact with your friends, post drunken photos from the weekend etc)
  • Facebook pages – what you are learning to build in this guide.
  • Facebook groups – these are discussion boards centered around a particular topic. If you bought the Platinum upgrade to this guide, then you’ll have my groups training to go through soon.


Facebook groups often attract huge audiences of passionate people. And for this reason, they can be a fantastic source of high-quality, user-generated content.


Here’s how you can find great content in groups.


Firstly, head to the search bar on your Facebook timeline:


Manipulating your queue in FPTraffic

Getting Likes

At this stage, you’ve got a page set up, as well as a schedule of content.


Now you need to get down to business and start getting likes.


There are a few key ways to do this, which I want to cover:


  • Facebook “Like Page” ads
  • Post Boosting
  • Inviting people who like your post
  • Group posting


There are, of course, many strategies above and beyond those – but these four key approaches will get you started as quickly as possible, and yield initial results.


Facebook “Like Page” Ads




Post Boosting

The next form of paid advertising for growing your page is “post boosting”. As mentioned elsewhere in this guide, Facebook only shows your posts to a small percentage of the people who like your page (the more popular/viral the post, the higher that percentage).


A workaround for this is post boosting. This is where you basically pay Facebook to show your posts to a bigger audience.


Starting at just $2 per boost, this is an effective method to grow your page and increase reach.


Boosting is easy to do, and you can be up and running with your first boost within a few minutes. What I do recommend, however, is that you hold off on boosting until your page has hit at least 1000 likes. This gives Facebook more of an audience to work with, especially when you follow the guide below.


The first step to boosting is simply to load up your timeline, find a post you want to boost (see my criteria for this at the end of the section) and then select “Boost”.


A window that looks like the following will pop up. NB, I’m showing some screen grabs from established pages of mine here, so hiding a bit of data.

This window looks a bit confusing, so I’ll talk you through what you need to do in order to run a successful boost.


The most important thing to pay attention to is the “Audience” panel in the bottom left corner of the window.


The default option will never be what you want, so you need to edit the settings.



What content should you boost?

This is a great question, and one that I’m asked frequently. It’s also, thankfully, fairly easy to answer.


You should consider boosting top-performing, non-promotional content.


Remember back to the intro section of this guide, where I talked you through the high-level overview of what we’re trying to achieve with building Facebook pages.


There are two key things you need to succeed: Reach, and engagement.


Boosting top performing posts will help you get more reach (i.e. more people see your post) and increase engagement (more people interact with the post).


The biggest pitfall I see people falling into is trying to boost content that hasn’t already shown good virality/popularity. Thanks to Facebook’s algorithm, some posts simply suck and they never get anywhere. These are not the posts to be boosting, as you’ll be throwing good money away.


Instead, the posts you want to boosts are ones that perform so well you’ll probably go “why the heck would I want to boost that anyway? It’s CRUSHING it.”


My advice sounds counterintuitive, but I promise you it will work.


“Organic” growth

Once you’ve got that initial following for your page – especially once you cross into five figures of likes – you’ll start to notice significantly better organic growth.


You should still be boosting top-performing posts and running the occasional like campaign (remembering to put the hammer down if you get a very favorable cost per like, e.g. 1 cent or less).


Over time, you want to see your likes chart grow like this:




Nice, consistent growth (with the occasional spike when a post goes super viral) is what we like to see!


It seems overly-simplistic, but the truth is that the bigger your page is, the faster it is likely to grow as well. A big audience attracts more reach, engagement and post likes, which in turn attracts more fresh fans for your page.

Should I buy fake likes?

No, no and a thousand times no. Buying fake likes does NOTHING for your success. You’ll kill your engagement metrics (those 10,000 likes you paid $5 for on Fiverr aren’t going to like your content, end of story) and genuine likers will see through the BS.


There is no circumstance where buying fake likes is going to help you improve the results you get from following the Blueprint.

Quantity vs quality – what is more important?

This is a good question, and the true answer is that both are important. You need a good number of likes to really see results, but you also need to focus on getting quality likes who are interested in your niche, and who are from countries where there is good potential for monetization (tier 1 – USA, UK, CAN, AU, NZ etc).


As long as your average follower quality is decent, then you’re good to go with growing your like numbers. Basically, provided you don’t sacrifice quality, then you can never get too much quantity!

Monetizing Your Page

Once you’ve got your page set up and growing each day through awesome, engaging content and advertising, it’s time to look at monetizing.

This is where you start to see the $ come in. And man what a feeling it is!


In this chapter, I’m going to talk you through what I believe are the best, most effective ways to monetize a growing page.

When to start monetizing

I usually hold off on making any attempts to monetize a page until it has hit at least 5000 likes. If you’re following my advice, you should be able to hit 5000 in a month or so.


Remember, this isn’t an overnight “millionaire maker” method (I mean we’ve all been burned in the past by those, right?)


This is a slow-and-steady-wins-the-race strategy.

Monetizing with affiliate offers, especially merchandise

75% of the monetization I do relates to this. Remember how you (hopefully) picked a niche with passionate, loyal followers.


This usually means there is all kinds of awesome merchandise that your followers can – and will buy. People who love Rick & Morty, for example, will buy R&M t-shirts, DVDs, posters, action figures etc.


Merchandise affiliate offers have made me thousands of dollars since I started building and growing pages about 18 months ago.

Merchandise offers on Amazon Associates

My favorite way to monetize niche pages is with relevant merch that is available on


Amazon operates on the of the most famous affiliate programs in the world (Amazon Associates)


Getting approved for Amazon Associates

If you don’t already have an Associates account, then you’ll need to set one up and get approved.


This is a topic big enough for an eBook of its, own. So I’m going to give you the 101 you need to get approved:



Once you’re ready to go with Amazon Associates, it’s time to find products and start promoting them.


Finding products on Amazon


Grabbing your affiliate link


Posting your link


Optimising your promotional posts

By now, you should know the basics of promoting merch products. But I want to talk you through some additional strategies, tips and tricks you should be aware of to get even better results from your monetization. This will help you take things to the next step, and make you more $!

Correct post type

When posting an affiliate link on Facebook, it’s often hugely more effective to post a picture first (of the product, usually) and then write a little blurb and add a link in there. This is as opposed to just pasting the link in and letting Facebook “generate” the link content.


Here’s an example of what I mean:


[example 1]



[example 2]


It is the top example we want. You’ll get far better click through rates and more sales from this approach. I’m not exactly sure why this is, but I’ve done it enough times to know that it works!


You can go one step further, and find a video of your product in action. Upload the video to your page, and then write a short blurb + CTA. You’ll enjoy the bigger reach that video drives, meaning more link clicks and sales.


My record is driving over 6000 clicks within 24hrs to an Amazon link when it was included in the blurb I had written for a video.


However, you need to be careful that your video doesn’t contain copyright music etc.

Other merchandise monetization tips

If you’re going to try and make money by selling niche merch/products, then here are some tips that will help you out:


  • When posting product photos with a call-to-action, always look for an authentic “end user” photo. Let’s say I was selling a Rick & Morty DVD collection. Rather than just grabbing the Amazon photo (which is technically against their TOS anyway), I would go on Google Images and search for photos where people have taken authentic images of that DVD set.
    • This is where browsing through groups can come in handy.
    • Check out Reddit as well.
    • Save good merch images in a folder as you come across them, for future use.
  • Keep an Excel spreadsheet, Google Sheet or even a plain text file that records your best performing products. Some products will do well, and some will simply never take off.
  • Remember that there are more monetization options for merchandise than just plain, old Amazon. Just about any website that sells merchandise these days is going to have an affiliate program.
    • Amazon Associates is just the preferred one because of the huge range of products and the fact that you can earn commissions on other products people buy when your cookie gets dropped on them.
  • Do not fall into the temptation of finding counterfeit branded merch on Aliexpress, and trying to sell it “drop ship” style. This could get you into a lot of trouble. Stick to affiliate offers from reputable sites.


Viral media sites

Once you’ve got underway with product/merchandise-based affiliate marketing, the next thing to consider is building a viral media site for your page.


Think about big sites like Buzzfeed and Viralnova. How do they make money? They have massive audiences on Facebook and other social networks, and they drive clicks to articles on their sites.


These articles contain ads and affiliate links, and they make money from that.


A viral media site for your page is doing the same thing, only on a smaller scale. It’s usually focused around one topic, or at least a broader theme (e.g. you might have 10 pages about 10 different anime, and then 1 site that is about anime in general).


How to build a viral media site


Selling Facebook Pages

If you grow a Facebook page big enough, and start to monetize it and generate profit, then it stands to reason that you could sell it, right?


It’s not a dissimilar concept to building up affiliate websites and then selling them on a platform like Flippa or Empire Flippers.


However, it’s not as easy as that. You see selling a Facebook page by itself is actually against Facebook Terms of Service. The chances of getting caught are low, but you will also struggle to find a platform that allows you to just sell the page directly.


Creating a viral media site therefore makes it easier to sell your page. You can include the page as a bonus/freebie when the site is sold.


I’ve sold one of my VMS sites that I built up, along with a few different pages that accompanied it. I sold the site through, and the process was relatively painless (although the buyer was actually rather difficult to work with).


I will be providing more training about this in the Facebook Page Profits group, so stay tuned.


Conclusion & Next Steps


By my calculations, you should have been able read through this guide in about 30 minutes. That gives another 30 minutes to get setup with your first page. What are you waiting for – get on with it!


But in all seriousness, here are the next steps you should be following:


  1. Work diligently on finding great content for your page that gets good reach and engagement.
  2. Spy on your competitors in order to see what they are doing, and what you can do better.
  3. Continue to build more pages. Remember, with FPTraffic you can manage unlimited pages, so you could build one every day for a year if you wanted to. The only limiting factor is time and advertising budget.
  4. Send me an email on if you have any questions, queries or comments. I’m here to help you get the most out of your purchase. I’ll answer your questions gladly over email, and can also arrange full consulting sessions to help you grow your pages.


Most of all, remember that this can be a really fun hobby that makes you some great, semi-passive side income. Imagine waking up to $100 days (I’ve had many) where you didn’t do anything but schedule a few posts the day before. It can – and will – happen if you follow the right strategy.


You’re probably not going to be driving around in a Ferrari in 12 months time, but you could well be making 1,2,3,4,5 hundred dollars extra profit each month for almost zero effort.


In fact, I do not consider building these pages to be work at all as it is so much fun. Instead of playing video games these days, I sit down and grow my pages and groups.


Now’s your turn to make a success out of this. Head over to Facebook, create your first page, and start growing your empire!


Thanks so much for your time, and here’s to your success. Remember, any time you need help you can reach out by emailing  – I’m here to help you do well, and I want to hear from you any time!


Sam Frost

Author of Fan Page Blueprint


If you need support (including refund requests) please email


I aim to respond within 48 hours, excluding weekends.


Please note that I am based in New Zealand, and timezone differences can affect the speed with which I can respond.


As part of my commitment to selling only the highest quality products, I want you to know that I endeavour to respond to all requests (provided they are not clearly spam).


Whether you’re struggling to pick a niche, finding it hard to set up Facebook ads, or looking for me to review your page, I’m here to help.


Also note that I reserve the right to recommend additional products/services that I offer as a solution to your support request, but I will always attempt to help you for free first.


  1. List of profitable niches
  2. One pager checklist




  1. Premium – Groups guide, video lessons, advanced tactics, group membership – $27 lifetime access
  2. Video review + one-pager strategy document for your completed Facebook page + everything above – $147
  3. 1 hour intensive training/consulting with me + video review + action-plan – $497
  4. Done for you page + first 6 months’ content + detailed action plan + initial 30 min consult + post-launch consult & training + follow up consult after 1st month – $1997




80% on front end, 50% on all others.


Refund policy


Full refund available if not satisfied within 7 days of purchase. By discretion after that time. Max 50% refund available on upsells 4 and 5, and by agreement only.


Promotional strategy


  1. Finish product
  2. Launch site
  3. Test upsells etc
  4. Reach out in affiliate marketing group for initial promotions
  5. Cold email/message 100 potential affiliates per day for 30 days




$10,000 in profit within 30 days of launch, list of at least 500 that I can use to grow future products.


Start to establish my name as a vendor of top quality products who looks after his affiliates.

One Pager Checklist

This is like a “prelaunch list” to ensure you have all your ducks in a row for your pages:



Content selection tips

Here are a few tips and tricks to help you pick content that is going to do well for your page and help you to get more reach and engagement:


  • Look for high-quality images. Small/blurry images tend not to do particularly well.
  • Try to avoid too much text in your images (meme posts excepted). Facebook doesn’t like text in pictures, especially more than 20% coverage, and this can lead to issues when you go to boost posts.


Profitable Groups Guide


Thanks for opting to purchase the premium edition of Fan Page Blueprint. You’ve made a great choice to discover more advanced strategies for expanding your Facebook empire, helping you to grow a bigger audience and make more money.


The biggest component of the premium edition of Fan Page Blueprint – in my humble opinion – is this one, the Profitable Groups Guide.


Facebook groups are an increasingly viable way to get reach and engagement, even as Facebook continues to modify its algorithm (much to the detriment of its platform, I might add).


With groups, you have the opportunity to literally build a community of like-minded individuals, and then have a decent element of control over what that community sees.


With the right system, you can also largely automate the process of growing your group (or at least cut down the time required to manage your group to the bare minimum).


This Profitable Groups Guide is a short, sharp, to-the-point blueprint for leveraging your existing Facebook audience to kickstart the growth of groups.


I’ll also teach you how to


What Is A Facebook Group

By now, you should have a good handle on what Facebook pages are, how to build them and grow them, and hopefully how to make money out of them (if you’re struggling, remember you can email me any time on


I just want to recap quickly what a Facebook group is, and how it differs from a conventional page.


The best way to think of it is like this:


  • Facebook pages are “one to many”
  • Facebook groups are “many to many”


Groups really are like discussion boards or forums for many different people to come and talk about a particular topic.


Groups are hugely different to pages – although there are excellent cross-promotional opportunities (as I will share in this guide).




Setting Up Your Group

Getting Members To Your Group

Moderating Your Group

I want you to pay really close attention to this chapter of the Profitable Groups Guide, because this is a super-important one.


You see I love groups. But compared to pages, groups do have one massive pitfall (and potential for headaches) – and that’s the members themselves.


Most of the people who join your group will be awesome, either actively contributing or watching from the sidelines and helping you grow your numbers (although bear in mind that you don’t just want members for numbers’ sake, you want them to be active and interact in your group as that will help grow the group even faster).


However, it’s an unfortunate fact of life that you are going to run into some crappy people.


There are three main types of crappy people that plague groups:


  1. Spammers – These are people who join your group to try and sell products/services or peddle scams. Spammers range from sophisticated people surreptitiously dropping affiliate links, to “Nigerian Prince” scammers trying to con people into sending money via Western Union to get a slice of some unclaimed fortune.
  2. Trolls – These are sad little people who enjoy annoying everyone else. They are often found inciting arguments, deliberately being difficult to deal with, posting off-topic content and generally making life in the group miserable for everyboy else.
  3. Serial complainers – Perhaps the hardest category to deal with, these are people who always have an axe to grind. The most common way you will encounter a serial complainer is they will bombard you with complaints about other group members offending them, breaking rules etc. Once you address their concerns, they come back with more complaints, and the cycle never ends.


All three (especially spammers) can have terrible consequences for your group, putting people off and reducing your engagement.


Therefore, it’s crucially important that you are proactive in moderating your group. Basically, that you take meaningful action to stop the types of negative people listed above from harming the growth, engagement and development of your group.


So how do you do this?

Boosting Group Engagement

As I mentioned above in the moderation chapter, boosting group engagement is really important.


I’m a member of dozens of groups, and can testify first-hand to the difference that engagement makes.


Strong engagement and activity can make a small group with 500 members feel like the busiest, most vibrant community in the world, whereas a group with massive numbers and little engagement feels like a total ghost town. I’m a member of an automotive group with about 200,000 members, but posts in there are lucky to get four or five comments. Talk about terrible engagement!


A group with good engagement is going to grow so much more effectively than one with low engagement.


Therefore, I want to share with you some high-level tips for helping to grow the engagement of your group(s). Next to each bullet point I have shared a tidbit of advice that will help you to make your group a more active, entertaining and enjoyable place for members to be, resulting in better results from your efforts.


    • Be active in your group. This is crucial. The main admin of the group (i.e. you) needs to be seen to be active. Respond to threads, post your own, like people’s comments etc. You don’t need to spend your whole life living in your group, but having a high level of activity will help propel it forward.


  • Ask questions of the members. This is perhaps the easiest thing you can to to keep engagement high in your group. Frequently post questions in your group, seeking to bait responses. Questions could be things like “what is your favorite X” (related to your niche, of course), “what do you do for a living”, “what is your best memory of X” and so on.
  • Don’t post too many promotions. We haven’t covered monetization of groups yet (that’s coming in the next chapter). However, before we even cover monetization I want to make it absolutely clear that bombarding your group members with too many promotional/monetized posts is going to put them off, resulting in pissed off members, declining engagement, and reduced growth.
  • Keep on top of spammers. Nothing kills a group quicker than having posts from spammers, trolls etc littering members’ newsfeeds and killing legitimate discussion. Get spammers and trolls blocked/banned quickly – don’t let them linger and cause lasting damage to your group.


Monetizing Your Group

By now, you should have your first group set up and some initial members.


Now comes the fun bit – monetizing your group.


Monetizing groups is actually a little bit different to pages, primarily because of the fact that when you post in a group, your post is “lost in the mix” with all the other content that gets posted in there.


So how do you actually take this awesome group you’re building and turn it into cold, hard cash?

After all, that’s why you’re reading this, right?


Using Groups To Boost Your Page

If you’ve already got a Facebook page (or hopefully even a burgeoning empire of pages) set up, then you want to start using your group to boost the performance of that page.


The easiest way to do this is to share top-performing content from your page directly into your group.


To do this, go on to your page and grab the post URL of a top-performing post (you can share any post you want, but I always recommend focusing on the posts



Group Tips, Tricks & Pitfalls

Here are some high-level tips, tricks and potential problem areas you need to be aware of when it comes to building, growing and monetizing Facebook groups.


  • As soon as your group starts getting members, keep an eye out for people who would make good potential moderators. Once your group gets big enough you WILL get issues with spam, members flaming/trolling each other etc. Good moderators will allow you to run your group(s) largely hands-off, allowing you to focus on getting more members. Moderating everything yourself will suck up too much time, and become impossible to manage.
  • Keep your moderators on board. Thank them for their efforts, and consider rewarding them from time to time (even if they are happy to do it for nothing). Send them an Amazon gift voucher for $20 or something like that as a gift to show your appreciation. Remember that the better they do at their job, the more successful your group will become.
  • Once your group starts to pick up the pace and grow organically, consider adding a few questions that prospective members have to answer when applying to join your group (remember that you really shouldn’t be running a totally open group, as you will be crushed under the weight of spam). In my groups, the rule is that if someone does not answer the questions – which take about 10 seconds each to reply to – they are likely a spammer and don’t get approved. This is an easy way to keep junk members at bay.
  • Boost engagement in your group by asking good questions that keep members entertained and active. Don’t be an invisible moderator.
  • Ensure that you have your group rules clearly posted in the sidebar, as well as in a stickied post. You’ll always have to deal directly with people who break the rules, but most people are pretty good if they have had the rules clearly communicated to them.



Hopefully this guide has given you good insights into how to build and grow a profitable Facebook group.


The more I do with groups, the more I realize how much I enjoy building and running them. Money aside, there is simply something incredibly satisfying about seeing a community grow from your efforts.


As I discussed earlier in this guide, Groups are probably one of the biggest channels left for serious growth on Facebook.


Groups get better engagement than pages, and Facebook hasn’t yet worked even implemented a system for paid advertising of groups (apart from that convoluted process outlined earlier).


“Reading the tea leaves” it does appear that Facebook is going to continue to invest into growing Groups as a channel on their platform.


Therefore, now is the right time to start building your groups.


In conjunction with building up good pages (which you’ve hopefully learned to do from my Fan Page Blueprint) you’ll be setting yourself up for success on Facebook.


Thanks so much for purchasing my product – I welcome all questions, queries and feedback. Just email


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