FPTraffic Review

FPTraffic Review

Want to learn more about FPTraffic? Watch my video review here:

Review Update

I’m still using FPTraffic every single day, and still getting excellent results from using it. The ‘Bender Quotes’ page I refer to below in my original review has now grown to almost 500,000 likes (and rising every day) and I have a number of other up-and-coming pages that are starting to get good results too.

As far as monetization goes, I am consistently earning $500+ per month from my pages and growing. I could probably earn a lot more, but I don’t monetize too aggressively as I like to maintain a good user experience.

The best bit? Because I’m using FPTraffic my whole viral social media “business” only takes me about 5-10 minutes a day to manage; that’s in total, for all my pages.

So my recommendation remains unchanged. FPTraffic is probably the best value-for-money Internet marketing tool I have ever come across. $10 per month gets you a powerful toolkit that can help you build a fun and profitable online business with Facebook pages – why not give it a try yourself?

Click here to try FPTraffic for yourself

Once you’ve built up a decent following on your pages, don’t neglect to give Pagez (from the creator of FPTraffic) a try as well. Pagez makes monetizing Facebook pages so much easier, harnessing the power of the Facebook Audience Network. Read my preliminary review of Pagez here.

Original Review

How’s it going? Reviews Boss back again with another great product review. Today we are looking at an online tool targeted at Facebook marketers and anyone who wants to improve their reach on Facebook while making managing pages easier. It’s called FPTraffic and it is a tool that I use every single day. There’s a fair bit of interest out there for FPTraffic, so I decided I had better do a review.

Click here to visit the official FPTraffic website.

What Is It?

There are a load of different features in FPTraffic, but if I had to summarize the product I would say it is a tool for managing, growing, and monetising Facebook pages.

Here’s an example of a Facebook page I’ve been building up with FPTraffic. It’s called “Bender Quotes“, and is all about Bender from the hit TV show Futurama. Go check out the page, and maybe even give it a like.

See all those posts on my timeline? They are getting genuine interactions; likes, shares, and comments.  In case you haven’t checked out the page, here is an example post:


My biggest page is regularly getting 2k + likes on posts, and dozens of shares and comments. The people doing this activity are a real-life audience that can be monetised!

July 2017 Update – My “Bender Quotes” page is now getting close to 400,000 likes, and is growing rapidly each week and making me several hundred dollars a month (and counting). All this just from using FPTraffic! 

Managing one or two Facebook pages like that manually isn’t too much of a hassle, you just log in and post when you need to. But what if you want to manage multiple pages, or run different schedules for each page? What if you want to be posting content while you’re at work, and you can’t use your work computer or company time for your own business purposes.

Wouldn’t it be so much better to be able to schedule content days or weeks in advance? You could sit down for a few hours on a Sunday night and schedule all your content for the coming week for all your pages, saving you a huge amount of time and stress.

And wouldn’t it be even better if you could find content to post to your pages without having to leave the same tool you use to schedule everything? Imagine scraping truck loads of quality images, YouTube clips, and even Amazon products (with your affiliate link included) to post to your page timelines and keep your fans happy and your pages growing organically.

Enter FPTraffic … and let the fun begin!

How Much Does FPTraffic Cost?

FPTraffic costs $10 per month, payable through Paypal subscription. There are no additional joining fees, nor are there any service tiers (i.e. you can use the tool as much or as little as you want, and you don’t have to pay extra for more managed pages or scheduled posts over a certain level).

Although I’m not the biggest fan of monthly rebill products, I think that the low price point here compensates. I would not be so comfortable if the price was up at $30-50 per month like many rebill tools are.

Please note that there is now an FPTraffic ‘Pro’ addon, which I will review in a separate article.

Who Makes It?

FPTraffic is the brainchild of a guy called Luke Kling. Luke is a well-known guy in the affiliate marketing realm, especially so on the CPA side of things. He is an affiliate manager for the Peerfly network, which is a popular CPA platform. Luke also runs a great blog at lukepeerfly.com about affiliate marketing, which has some useful content that is well worth  taking the time to read (especially if you are interested in learning about CPA, Facebook Ads, or Teespring).

Who Is It For?

FPTraffic is ideal for anyone who manages Facebook pages, or who wants to use Facebook pages to generate affiliate commissions, grow their brand, or drive traffic to a website or offer.

I use it by creating niche targeted Facebook pages (think about popular TV shows, characters,  brands, types of jokes etc) and then scheduling lots of great content to get interaction on these pages and grow likes organically. I also use Facebook ads to get an initial base of likes, as well as boost better performing posts to attract a wider audience.

Once I’ve got a decent audience for the page, then I start dropping Amazon affiliate links to targeted products every so often. You can also monetize with Teespring, Adsense by building a related website and driving traffic, or just about any other type of offer you can imagine!

You don’t just have to be into affiliate marketing or Adsense site building to use FPTraffic. It also has great applications for anyone who manages any type of Facebook page and who wants to boost their audience and engagement levels. For example, if you run a “real world” business you could still use FPTraffic, e.g. if you run a Christchurch heat pump cleaning company you might want to keep your Facebook page constantly updated with content about heat pump cleaning … FPTraffic could help to achieve this.

How Does It Work?

The best way to show you the ins and outs of FPTraffic is to walk you through how I use it on a daily basis. I’ve done this by taking a whole load of screen shots, and then adding a caption to each image to help explain what you’re seeing.


In order to register for FPTraffic, you will need a Facebook account. Your Facebook account should also have at least one page you intend on managing.

If you fit that criteria, then head over to FPTraffic.com and you’ll see a page like this:

FPTraffic homepage

From there, scroll down and sign up. You basically set up a $10 per month Paypal subscription, and you’re good to go. Neat.

Main Screen

Once you are paid up and logged in, here is the screen you should first see. I have blurred out some of my pages for privacy (although I mentioned Bender Quotes earlier if you want to see one of my pages)


Setting Schedules

When managing a page using FPTraffic, the first thing you’re going to want to do is set a page schedule. This tells the tool when to post the next item in that page’s queue. You can post every hour if you want, but that isn’t recommended. I’ve had my best results posting twice a day from the scheduler (and then occasionally adding in manual posts to suit).


Adding Images

At the heart of FPTraffic are the images you will be posting to your page(s). The fundamental premise of this product is scheduling lots of images and rich content to boost your engagement and social media presence.

Lucky for you, there are a number of ways to get quality images into your page queue without even having to leave FPTraffic:

Tumblr Search

The first method available is a Tumblr search. You simply add your keyword, such as “dog memes” and then a list of results appears. Any image you like can be added to your queue by clicking on it.

How easy is this?
How easy is this?

I don’t really like using the Tumblr feature much as a lot of what you will see in the search results are GIFs. These don’t display properly on Facebook; whatever the first frame is will become the image itself when posted to your page.

But there are some good images on Tumblr, and this is a nice functionality to have.

Bing Search

A similar functionality is provided for keyword searching images from Bing. It works almost exactly the same as Tumblr. Surely I don’t need to explain this any further?


Uploading From PC

As you would expect, there is of course an option to upload one or more images from your computer into the FPTraffic queue. If you’ve used any file uploader before, then this will be a doddle for you.


URL Import

The final option available (and perhaps the most powerful) is the ability to import en masse images from URLs. Let’s say you’ve got 100 image source URLs of great pics for your page. Rather than having to download them all to your PC, only to have to upload them again, you can just chuck those URLs into FPTraffic and all the corresponding images will be added to the queue. How awesome is that?


Page Queue

Once you’ve got some images added, you can now check out your page queue. Each thumbnail represents a single post on your page. You can see at what time and date each post is going to be made.


You can re-order posts by dragging them around the queue, which is invaluable if you are going to be recycling posts in order to help keep things a bit fresher. As you would also expect, hitting the red cross deletes that post.

If you click the edit symbol (not the wrench symbol) then you can quick add a text description to the post:


However, I recommend using the advanced edit feature for altering the description.

When you edit the description from within the advanced editor you can add these symbols, which seem to boost engagement greatly when used. Don’t spam them in every post, but a well placed heart or start symbol works wonders for boosting reach. I don’t know why, but it does work.


Back in the main queue view, you can also trigger an image editor by clicking on any image in the queue. You can do all sorts of things like crop, resize, rotate, and add filters, text and shapes. This means you don’t need to pass your images through another editor before uploading to FPTraffic.


Links Feature

Another great aspect of FPTraffic is the links feature. This is a section of the dashboard where you can schedule links to websites,  as well as find and schedule YouTube and Amazon products. Let’s look at the different tools available:

Schedule Link

This option allows you to schedule a link to any web page on the Internet. It’s very basic and easy to use. Once you add the link, it will move to your queue. When the link posts to your page Facebook should automatically pull an image.

I personally prefer to post an image and then link from the image description, as this gives more control over what viewers see.


Schedule YouTube

We all know that YouTube is home to loads of great videos. No matter what niche you’re in, there will probably be some great YouTube clips to share. Your audience can play these clips directly from the page timeline. And we all know that videos can have massive engagement, which is great.

With this functionality you can search YouTube and then add any video you want as a queued post for your page. Cool, huh?


The only problem I’ve found with this is that the search results aren’t very good. Compared to what I find from keyword-based searches on YouTube.com itself, I keep finding a lot of irrelevant results. The way I have found to get around this is by finding a video I want to post on YouTube, and then searching its exact title in the FPTraffic search box – that seems to work fine.

Schedule Amazon Products

All the reach in the world is meaningless if you aren’t making squat from your Facebook pages. Lucky for you, FPTraffic has a neato little feature built in that allows you to find and schedule Amazon products. You need an Amazon Associates ID, which should be easy enough to get. Amazon has a ludicrous number of products, and if your page is based around anything that is not totally obscure, then there are probably going to be some great products you can promote to earn a commission.


You can use Amazon Associates tracking IDs with this particular tool, which means you can track the earnings from your pages more efficiently. This is useful if you want to know the break down of earnings from each individual page, especially if you ever plan on selling your pages.

There is also a feature that allows you to add non-US Amazon Associates IDs (e.g. UK). I’m not sure if this particular function is for automatic geo-redirection, so that if a UK-based person clicks an Amazon link on your page they get sent through your UK ID so you can make a commission. It might just be there to allow you to target different countries with your pages.

If you don’t like the way this tool works, then there is nothing stopping you uploading a photo of the product you want to promote and then adding your affiliate link (preferably cloaked to make it look nice) into the description area. This is what I do when I’m feeling lazy.

There is also another option for getting your affiliate links in front of your audience in the nicest format possible:

Link Masking Tool

Ugly affiliate links suck, right? Luckily there is a link masking tool built right into FPTraffic. I haven’t actually used it myself yet as I direct my traffic from my posts to pages on various websites I own. However, it is easy to use and I was able to create a redirect in a couple of minutes for testing purposes.


I’ve got a feeling this would be an invaluable feature if you are running CPA offers that tend to have ugly links, or any type of tracking tool.

Because I haven’t used the link masker much, I can’t really add any further comment. If I play around with it more in the future then I will revisit this point.

Other Features


There is a feature built in to FPTraffic to help you run giveaways that comply with Facebook’s rules. Giveaways – when run properly and targeted to the right audience – can be a great way to boost your engagement, get more likes, and draw more attention to your page. The way this tool is built, you also wind up grabbing entrants email addresses in the process; and if you use Aweber then you can automatically add your entrants into your list of choice.

If you don’t have Aweber, and use a service like Mailchimp or Constant Contact, then you can still copy/paste the entrants details into a CSV file or something similar and upload to your email service provider. You would need to consider the possibility that your ESP could get shirty about the manner you generated those leads, but it should probably be fine.

From the perspective of monetization, one of the coolest features of the giveaway tool is that you can require entrants to complete a “sponsored offer” form – like a classic name/email/zip CPA offer – before their entry is counted. In order to do this your offer must allow incentive traffic. Luke has provided instructions for setting up the postback etc so that entries are counted correctly and everything tracks as it should. This is not something I have played around with, but I can see a great deal of potential if you combine the right giveaway with the right affiliate offer.

If this doesn’t make sense, then think about it this way:

  1. You create your giveaway and find a CPA offer that allows incentive traffic (think that you are incentivizing the traffic to complete the offer by dangling the carrot of a free t shirt, DVD box set, whatever).
  2. You set up the postback, which basically tells FPTraffic to count the entry as valid when someone completes the offer.
  3. You start promoting your giveaway, and hopefully start earning.

You can also have an entry counted when the entrant clicks a sponsor link. This means you can redirect to any web page you want, like a squeeze page or sales page etc … YUGE possibilities there.

Unfortunately,  when I first tried using this feature to create a giveaway I actually got a bug that prevented it from working correctly. When you went through the entry process, you hit a random coding error screen and couldn’t progress any further. I haven’t really tried again with the giveaway feature (I don’t run a lot of giveaways as I’d rather spend the value of the prizes on more ads).

At some stage  I will revisit this aspect of FP Traffic and try it again. It definitely seems like to most confusing element of the product … the instructions could do with being a bit clearer, ideally with a video.  I think that there is huge potential to monetise this particular functionality, especially with CPA offers that allow incentive traffic.

FP Inbox

This is a cool little functionality that I haven’t yet had the chance to roll out properly, but I’m actively working on it at the time of writing this review.

You know how Facebook just kills your organic reach, right? Well this is bad news for getting your page and its promotions out there. It is especially bad if you’re paying for likes via Facebook Ads, because you have these great looking page stats but only a percentage of those likes are seeing your content.

With the FP Inbox function you can create a custom URL where you can direct people to sign up for a daily email that recaps all the new posts from that day. This is a great idea because it’s effectively giving you another channel to grow your reach (in fact the whole point of FP Inbox seems to be helping you to get around Facebook’s appalling organic reach).

The only downside to this functionality, as far as I can see, is that you can’t export all your leads to a CSV or TXT file so you can then upload them into your email service provider. This would be a KILLER functionality for anyone looking to grow a list – if you’re reading Luke, then please consider adding this. The only risk would be that you might run into spam/approval issues, which could be why there is no export function available.


  • Great Price. It’s 10 bucks a month. What more do I need to say? It’s so affordable it’s not even funny. Facebook pages are free to run, so you could literally build a profitable business for just $10 per month with this tool. You don’t need to run ads to get page likes; you can grind away organically and see growth this way. With FPTraffic you really can build a cost effective social media business.
  • Lots Of Features. Post scheduling, image scraping, YouTube embeds, Amazon embeds, giveaways with lead gen functionality, Facebook inbox tools … it’s all here. I can’t really think of any main feature or functionality that is missing from FPTraffic, except perhaps an app to allow you to drive newsletter signups from your page itself (without having to run a giveaway or send traffic to an external landing page).
  • Easy-To-Use. You should be able to get the hang of what this powerful tool can do in a short space of time. It is simple and intuitive to use, and there are good instructions provided for each particular functionality.
  • Included Guides & Private Group. From within your FPTraffic member dashboard you can access a bunch of guides that Luke has written on making the most of the tool. The most interesting of these are his case studies about monetizing your pages, or growing page size through the use of Facebook ads. There is also a private Facebook group that is useful for getting support or asking questions about how others profit from the tool. Luke is active in the group, and responds to most user posts which is nice. It would be good to see more guides added, but hopefully these will come at a later date.
  • Recycle Posts Is Great. Once you’ve built up a good collection of posts on your page, you can recycle previously posted content. Hitting the recycle posts option will put all that older content back in your queue. Dive back in to that queue, change up the order and reword your descriptions a bit, and you’ve now got a whole heap more content to post on your page (especially if you’re mixing in newer images and links at the same time). The attention span of people on social media is appalling, so unless you’re posting the same stuff on a very regular basis, then your fans will probably forget they have seen an image in the past and like it/share it all over again.
  • Helps To Increase Organic Reach. This is probably the biggest benefit of all for serious Facebook marketing. If you have any knowledge at all of Facebook, then you know how much organic news feed reach tends to suck. And Facebook always seem to be making it worse on a regular basis. This is done in order to drive more marketers and businesses to use Facebook Ads, and it just sucks from the perspective of anyone trying to make a dime off of Facebook. By using FPTraffic I’ve been able to build some great organic reach (at least by current FB standards). I don’t know exactly what the benchmarks are, but by posting relevant promotion-free content each day with the scheduler tool I get my page out and about on fans’ news feeds much more than I would only posting ads or website links. And because I’ve got this higher level of reach, when I do post a link to my website or to an Amazon product, it gets better reach as well resulting in more clicks and profits for me.
    • If you’re running a Facebook page for a business like an eCommerce store or bricks and mortar outlet, then consider using FPTraffic with non promotional content on a regular basis to grow audience interaction and get greater reach. This tool isn’t only for affiliate marketers. I’ve been doing this for my work, and seeing great results. In fact, I would say that it is even more important for a traditional brand or eCommerce retailer to grow their engagement, because of how Facebook throttles reach.
  • Bundled Chrome Extension Is Handy. There is a companion Chrome extension for FPTraffic that is useful indeed. When it’s installed in your browser, you can quickly select images from any web page you are browsing and grab the URLs of those images by using the extension. Copy and paste those URLs into a Notepad file, and then you can use the Image URLs option in FPTraffic to import those images you found. You can import up to 500 at once, which is enough content to last weeks. Can it get any easier than that?
  • Massive Time Saver. The biggest benefit of using FPTraffic is that it is so much more efficient than manually managing Facebook pages. This means you can grow and monetize more pages than you would normally be able to do, resulting in more profit at the end of the day. Saving time is one of the best things you can do!
    • Do you manage Facebook pages for your employer, or for clients you work with? You could add a lot of extra value with little time investment by using FPTraffic. I actually use it on one of the pages I manage for my dreaded day job, and I have seen a huge increase in reach and engagement since I started posting informative and/or funny content that is non-promotional on a regular basis.


  • No Google Images Scraper. As outlined earlier in my FPTraffic review, there is a built-in feature to scrape images based on keywords from Tumblr or Bing. However, the Mac Daddy of image search engines – Google Images – is unfortunately missing. This means that you aren’t going to necessarily be getting widest spread of relevant images that you possibly could if. In many of the pages I manage, I find my best images for re-posting always come from Google. The best way to get around this is searching Google Images and using the FPTraffic Chrome extension to grab the URLs of those images. Or you can just manually download each one  from Google Images and then put it through the bulk uploader. However, it would be nice to search Google Images from within the FPTraffic interface itself. I suspect there is some kind of restriction on Google’s API that prevents this from happening … or doing so might cause the price to rise.
  • No Sub-Accounts Or VA Access Feature. This isn’t a problem when you’re first starting out, but I can see how it could quite easily become an issue if you expand your business or already use VAs/staff. Your FPTraffic account is tied to your Facebook account. Therefore, the only way you can let a VA manage your FPTraffic account is to give them access to your personal Facebook profile, as you can’t associate multiple Facebook accounts with one FPTraffic account. Hopefully a future release of the tool will allow you to have multiple Facebook profiles tied to one account (even if you had to pay a premium for this, it would be a useful feature for many more serious marketers). Here are a couple of workarounds you could try in the meantime:
    • Create a dummy Facebook profile that has admin rights for all your pages, and then tie FPTraffic to that page. Give your VAs the login to that Facebook account. You just need to be careful that they don’t lock you out of the Facebook profile … or that they don’t wind up removing page admin rights to your main FB profile that is tied to your pages – an admin can delete other admins. This all comes down to how much your trust your VAs/staff. I know some people don’t like to take the risk that they could be locked out of their pages.
    • Create a new FPTraffic membership for each page you manage. If you were making bank with Facebook pages, then you could possibly justify having an FPTraffic membership for each of those pages tied to a unique FB profile. Not very elegant and it will cost you money, but perhaps the safest method out there. I don’t really see it being practical, however.
  • No proper invoices. Depending on how strict the taxman is in your jurisdiction, this could just be a minor problem. However, I wish FPTraffic would offer more than just Paypal invoices.
  • Occasional Bugs. Every so often I encounter an annoying bug where the photo for my scheduled post is broken, so I have to delete that scheduled item and upload it again. Other times I have had the image scraper tool crash/freeze. But these bugs are fairly infrequent so I think you will be able to tolerate them in most instances. As previously mentioned, I also had trouble getting my giveaway set up correctly.
  • Can’t Change Timezone. Maybe I’m just a bit dumb, but I get confused by the server time when trying to tie my post schedule to the most popular times that my page fans are online. I’m used to working with GMT, but the server is run off some kind of American time zone. This is just a minor gripe from my end; it would be great to be able to have the time displayed in your timezone of choice.
  • No Schedule Randomizer. Your page schedule will always be the same until your manually change it. A great addition would be the ability to pick X number of posts per day, but randomize the schedule with a predefined minimum time between each post. For example, “post 3 times per day between 6am and 11pm, with a minimum of 2 hours between each post”. This would be a cool feature to have that would give a more authentic vibe to the content you post.
  • Giveaway Tool Is Confusing. It could definitely do with some better instructions (preferably a live case study video or something like that which you could walk through). Maybe I’m just not clever enough to use it?

Conclusion – Should You Join FPTraffic?

Are you working on a regular basis with Facebook pages, or do you intend on growing any form of business model using Facebook? If so, then you need FPTraffic. It really is as simple as that. In fact, if you have ANY interest AT ALL in driving traffic or making money from “The Book” then FPTraffic is an essential purchase.

This incredible tool costs a miserly $10 per month. That’s the price of a couple of takeaway burgers for what is possibly one of the best social media marketing tools I have ever encountered.

There are so many great ways to use FPTraffic, and a number of viable monetisation strategies can be built on the back of the functionality provided. For a little bit of inspiration, here’s a site I’ve had running for one month that generates its traffic from posts I schedule to the page:


I basically take the content I already posted on my page, package it up into list-based articles (10 best photos of the week etc), and then drive traffic from my FB page via more scheduled links back to my site. I’ve made all my money spent on promoting the content back in Adsense and Amazon revenue with a little profit on top, and am building a list at the same time. Am I going to get rich from this one site? No … in fact it probably isn’t worth the time I have spent on it so far. However, it does show me that it is possible to drive traffic from a targeted Facebook page and earn. I can now refine the site, keep growing it, and then hopefully sell both the site and the page for a profit.

And here are a couple of screenshots of the page like growth of two niche-targeted pages I’ve been building with FPTraffic:

Screen Shot 2019-03-13 at 11.19.26 am

The second one:

Screen Shot 2019-03-13 at 11.20.17 am

And all of this was possible thanks to FPTraffic and a few dollars of targeted FB ads spend. That kind of consistent growth is exactly what you want to see.

Add in to the mix that Luke seems like a totally awesome guy, and is willing to give a lot of help to his customers via the FPTraffic Facebook group, and it makes the deal even sweeter. There are a lot of d-bags out there in the Internet Marketing world … Luke is definitely the opposite; a genuine good guy.

Just go get it, right now. I honestly cannot see any scenario in which you wouldn’t be happy with FPTraffic when you consider just how well-priced it is, and the fact that it is not priced on a tiered service system or anything like that.

Click here to join FPTraffic today – I know you won’t regret it!

FPTraffic Review
  • Value For Money
  • Ease Of Use
  • Features
  • Support


FPTraffic is basically the best "software as a service" application that I have ever purchased. It has been in my arsenal now for almost two years, and I use FPTraffic every single day to help build up engaged and profitable Facebook fan pages. Although the interface isn't perfect and there are some features that could do with inclusion, overall FPTraffic simply cannot be beaten. If you want to grow good pages and earn $ from them, then you need this product. At $10 per month it's a simple no-brainer.


85 thoughts on “FPTraffic Review”

  1. Fantastic items from you, man. I have be aware your stuff previous
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  2. This is a fantastic article. Been using FPTraffic for about a month now and i can definitely tell its working wonders. It is highly recommended

  3. FPTraffic rocks – been using it for about 6 months now and my pages are growing organically each month very nicely. Monetization is another challenge though. How do you recommend doing it?

    • Hi Bruce, thanks for your kind comment.

      I do have some recommendations:

      1) Build multiple pages per niche so you can “double up” with your audience. It’s easy to manage heaps of pages with FPTraffic, so if you’ve picked a niche like “Rick and Morty” (TV shows are a popular choice with FPTraffic members) then you could have multiple Rick and Morty pages, pages for specific characters etc and build up a bit of a network. You can even grow just one of the pages – the main one – with ads and then use the audience from that page to grow other pages.

      Remember there are two ways to get a big FB audience. The first is to take one page and grow it big. Say 500k likes. This could take you a couple of years to achieve (being realistic about it and assuming you don’t want to spend more than $20 or $30 per week on ads, i.e. you’re treating this as a fun and potentially profitable side-hustle/hobby as opposed to a proper business). However, the second way to get a big audience is to have multiple pages with a decent-sized audience. E.g. 10 Rick and Morty pages with an average of 50,000 likes each. I’m still exploring to see which way is the best, but I think multiple pages growing at a steady pace is probably the way to go in the long run.

      2) Use the FPTraffic Chrome Extension, which makes it much easier to get a lot of images quickly.

      3) Get yourself Scrapebox and use the Google Images scraper to get hundreds, even thousands of images in a few minutes. I’ve built out 18 month to 2 year content queues for pages in less time than it takes to make a cup of tea!

      Hope that helps!

  4. Thanks for the detailed review of FPTraffic. I’ve been looking for a decent FB scheduling tool for a whole, and this looks like the one for me!

    • Hi Muhammad, thanks for taking the time to comment.

      I’m still a huge fan of FPTraffic. It’s still my #1 favorite web marketing tool of all time, and I continue to make an excellent side income from building up and monetizing Facebook pages that are almost exclusively managed using the tool.

      I do think that FPTraffic needs some modernisation now – specifically a mobile friendly web interface or app. It could also do with better options like post categorisation, allowing you to create a post flow e.g. 3x meme content posts, 1x video post, 1x product post, repeat.

  5. How do you actually make money with Facebook pages? Is it even worth it any more in 2019 with all the algo changes etc? Thanks.

    • Hi Bruce, thanks for taking the time to comment.

      I’m actually going to be releasing a video series on this in the near future (so stay tuned for that).

      But a short answer is that you can still make money with Facebook pages. It’s not as easy as it was, but there are still immense opportunities.

      To be honest, at the moment I’m using Facebook as a fun source of semi-passive monthly income to get me extra cash. It’s not making me rich, but it is definitely worth it (and I think many people claiming FB pages are making them rich are probably actually getting rich selling you the guides).

      Stay tuned for my videos!

    • Hi Mark, thanks for your comment. I’m not aware of a free trial for FPTraffic being a standard thing you can get. However, I have occasionally seen Luke offer it on forums etc (but not sure if this is still a thing). I think at just $10 it’s worth buying for a few months anyway, in order to see if you like it!

    • Hi Fernando, thanks for taking the time to comment. You can use FPTraffic on mobile but it’s completely un-optimised. There’s no app and you just load up the main website on your screen and have to pinch and scroll to operate it.

      It’s my biggest gripe with the platform, as mobile access really is essential these days. I can live with it as I’m never really without my Chromebook or access to a computer. But it might not be suitable for you if you can only use a mobile.

      I still persevere with it on my phone if I do need to occasionally update my queue or whatever, but it isn’t elegant.

      I really hope that Luke and his development team decide to implement a good mobile option for FPTraffic – it would make a huge, positive difference to an already fantastic product.

  6. Do you think that with the recent changes to the Facebook algorithm, it’s actually worth endeavoring with building up pages? I’m interested but don’t want to waste my time and money.

    • Hi Ben, thanks for your comment.

      To be honest, it is becoming tougher and tougher to see meaningful results with Facebook pages. I still think they are worthwhile, but my approach now is to increasingly treat my pages and groups as a fun and profitable hobby, rather than a serious business. I consistently make 3-4 figures profit per month from my pages with minimal work, but I do find it hard to see how you would turn this into a 5 or 6 figure business without risking significant $ on building up pages that might be rendered useless overnight with an algorithm change.

      I really do now see my pages as a hobby that pays me. I’d rather focus on consulting and SEO-driven affiliate marketing for serious income.

    • Hi Sarah, thanks for your message.

      Unfortunately, I don’t think there are any plans at the moment for FPTraffic to be available as an app. This is a bit of a shame, as better mobile functionality would be a serious improvement to an already great product.

      For the time being, you’ll just have to persevere with pinching and scrolling on mobile!

  7. Thanks for the in-depth review and breakdown. I’ve been on the fence about using FP Traffic and you’ve greatly helped via covering it all so thoroughly. I’m somewhat new at this so had a few questions: I plan on managing a few client FB pages.. are community pages worth setting up, and can they be connected to FB Pages or would they be an entirely separate entity from a Page account? Also, would you recommend connecting accounts/auto-posting to Instagram through FB using FP Traffic?

    Thanks again, Patrick

    • Hi Patrick, thanks for the kind comment – it’s a nice feeling knowing this humble blog is helpful to others!

      To answer your questions:

      1) Community pages are actually a separate thing to regular Facebook pages. I don’t advise using them for any serious business purpose, and I’m not even sure if you’re able to use them with FPtraffic. This article explains it nicely: https://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/facebook-community-pages-what-your-business-needs-to-know/

      If you’re managing clients, they should have proper Facebook business pages (that can run ads, be imported into FPtraffic etc). What sort of clients are you looking to manage? I can give you some specific tips around this.

      2) If you don’t want to manually manage Instagram posts, then you can set up auto-posting. But for Facebook to Instagram I don’t necessarily recommend this. Audience expectations are very different. Your Instagram posts should really be tailored specifically to that platform.

      Email me on sam@acedigitalmarketing.net if you need any more advice!

    • Hi Jerwin, thanks for your comment.

      Honestly, that’s hard to say. Firstly, FPTraffic isn’t a system for making money. It’s simply a tool to help you save time and improve efficiency when it comes to managing FB pages.

      I do think that a good network of FB pages with say 100,000 likes (and strong engagement) should be able to earn you at least $100 per month very passively. More if you promote offers aggressively.

    • Hi Bruce, sorry for my late reply – I didn’t see you comment chilling out there.

      My favorite way to make money from Facebook pages is with affiliate marketing. I built up pages, get good reach and engagement, and then occasionally promote products from Amazon, Clickbank etc.

      This isn’t really a “millionaire maker” method (largely due to Facebook throttling organic reach so badly) but there are excellent opportunities to make a good little side income that is ~90% passive once you get it set up and running.

      Please email me on sam@acedigitalmarketing.net if you have any questions.

      I’m current in the process of launching a comprehensive training guide for people who want to make semi-passive income from Facebook pages. Keep an eye out for it.

    • Hi Jaan,

      You can schedule GIFs and videos HOWEVER they only show up as links (and in the case of YouTube you need to find them using the in-built YouTube tool).

      I prefer to post GIFs and vidoes manually.

      FPTraffic works best for “boring” old photos.

      Thanks for taking the time to comment.

  8. Thanks for your review, Sam. FPTraffic looks like it could definitely be the product I need to help me manage my burgeoning empire of Facebook pages!

    • Hi Harry, thanks for your kind comment. I certainly rate FPTraffic highly still. I must admit that I am not putting as much emphasis on growing Facebook pages at the moment (due to Facebook’s ridiculous crackdown on organic reach) but FPTraffic still remains the cornerstone of what I do in this regard.

      • I can’t reconnect to my Facebook account, or any account for that matter. I hit the buttons marked connect and reconnect and nothing happens. Tried reinstalling to plug in, tried without it, everything. Zero response.

  9. Just checked “Bender Quotes” and some posts (NOT reposts) are getting over 5,000 likes ! Well done dude !!

    But I still have some questions.

    FPTraffic appears to be an FB scheduler tool and image scraper but how do you get people to find your site AND engage with it in the first place ? Are you paying for FB ads ?

    Do you set it up as a Page ?
    Are you ok to drop Amazon links in there without making it clear that it is an affiliate link ?

    I’m really interested in how you get so many likes. Some topics must be very competitive so I guess the more you post the more people find you ??

    • Hey Nick, thanks for your kind comment. I’m pretty happy with that page of mine (I should really update my stats in the article article).

      In response to your questions:

      1) Yes, FPTraffic is an FB scheduler tool with image scraping and uploading capabilities built in. It doesn’t drive traffic, it just helps you engage it.
      2) When starting out and growing a page, I do pay for ads. Basically, the process is this. Find a niche/topic (i.e. Futurama) create a page, run page like ads to grow the page audience, give them awesome content dripped out via FPTraffic, boost top performing posts, invite people to like my page, and then scale up. This is a fun, affordable and easy way to get started with building engaged audiences.
      3) Yes, set up as a page.
      4) To be honest I’m not too sure re: aff disclosure rules. I have a disclosure on the “about” section of my pages.

      Does that help?

  10. Hi Sam,
    Some very good information in your article & the comments. Well done.

    Say in regard to:
    “Get yourself Scrapebox and use the Google Images scraper to get hundreds, even thousands of images in a few minutes.”

    What about the issue of being sued over Copywrite infringement by an entree like say Getty Images who is very aggressive at going after anyone who uses there images in any way if you have not purchased usage rights from them?

    Also, do you have an email list that I can subscribe to be notified when you post a new article? Looked but did not find it.

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