So you’ve read my absolutely killer AffiloJetpack review, and decided you want to buy the product? Great. But there’s only one problem – you really want a discount!
Even though the product comes with a watertight 60 day money-back guarantee (so your money is never really at risk) the “sticker price” of $997 is high and it’s always nice to secure yourself a little discount from time to time.
I mean, who doesn’t like saving money?
So if you want an AffiloJetpack discount, how do you get one?
There are a few ways:
- Wait for the product to go “on sale”. Affilorama-branded products tend to have sales that align with major US public holidays, e.g. 4th July, Thanksgiving, Christmas etc.
- Sign up for one of the free AffiloJetpack giveaway products. I’ll let you in on a little secret – this product (like most others in the “make money online” space) relies heavily on a funnel sequence that occurs before most people buy the product. Of every 100 who visit the sales page of the product for the first time, probably only a tiny percent buy. However, many more people sign up for the free introductory eBook (check out the AffiloJetpack sales page and then go to exit – you’ll see what I mean). There are also other ways to enter the funnel, like webinars etc. However you enter, you’ll wind up receiving the occasional discount offer on AffiloJetpack, as well as other related products … you also get to enjoy the free content as well!
- Grab a ready-to-go discount here. If you click this link you’ll automatically lock in a discounted price of $747 for the full product. That’s a decent saving, and it’s accessible any time.
So there are a few decent ways to get a discount on AffiloJetpack. Remember, you can feel free to ask me any questions you have about the product before buying as well. I’m happy to help.
How long will that discount of $747 be available?
Hi Rahul,
I believe this is a perpetually available discount. Not 100% sure (and it could be taken away any time) but that seems unlikely.