Keyword Keg Review

keyword keg review featured image

Welcome to my review of Keyword Keg – modified from my video review that you can watch below:

I’m reviewing this product is because I’ve been using it for a while now, and I know it’s becoming more popular in the digital marketing community, so I want to give my feedback and opinion on it and see if I can help you out.

I love testing out different keyword research software and seeing which one are the best, and seeing which ones are the easiest to use.

To start, I’m going to give you a bit of background on Keyword Keg. The key thing you’re probably going to want to know here about its history was that the product  is basically the pro/premium version of Keywords Everywhere.

You might have heard of Keywords Everywhere. If you haven’t, then check out my video review here on YouTube.

It’s a free browser extension that allows you to see keyword data, basically in-situ when searching on search engines like Google or YouTube.

If you have Keywords Everywhere installed and set up correctly, you can jump on Google and search for something like dog training books, or dog training videos and see the keyword research data sitting under the Google search box.

Here’s an example of Keywords Everywhere in action:

Keywords Everywhere, if you don’t have it is a good product. If you spend a lot of time in Google search or searching videos on YouTube etc, as you go along, you start to pick up these awesome keyword ideas just by using it.

So why bother with Keyword Keg then?

The reason you might look at something like Keyword Keg is because of a feature that was removed from Keywords Everywhere.

Keywords Everywhere used to have a bulk importation tool. You could load in hundreds, even thousands of keyword ideas and get search volume and CPC data

What you can see here is this message saying that the keyword import tool has now been shut down:

The reason it has been shut down was that it was used too heavily. The tool got overloaded (probably cost these guys a fortune and API calls, servers, infrastructure and all that kind of stuff).

So what they’ve done is they basically said “if you want to get bulk, keyword search functionality in terms of important keywords, as well as conventional tracking of a few seed keywords and get a whole load of ideas, you need to use our premium tool which is Keyword Keg”.

Now I was a huge user of the input keywords tool, in my early days of using keywords everywhere, I jump on something like Uber suggest, you know, explore a massive list of keywords, you know, rip those keywords and was a very important to get all the data, clean out any duplicates, you know, clean out any obvious things that I don’t want and boom, I’d have a really nice big list of longtail keywords that I can do further research on. But obviously I can’t do any more with keywords everywhere. But we can do it with keyword cake. So let’s go and have a little bit more of a look at what keyword King is all about. So if we load up cawood, which is the sales page is pretty standard stuff. Nothing too flashy, I think it looks pretty good at you know gives you reasonable confidence in the product. And basically, it’s a simple simple sales page, it tells you everything you need to know about what this product does. It’s five keyword tools in 111


search API’s.

You can get keyword data from YouTube and Google and all sorts of things.

It’s trusted by apparently over four and a half thousand SEO agencies, which is pretty darn impressive. It’s been featured on some big websites as well.

Keyword Keg Features

These are the actual features you’ve got. So the ability to do multiple see keywords, the ability to import keywords, export data, SEO metrics, use multiple suggest API’s,

you know, see Google ads and click data and in the search results, categorized by intent sort and filter, all those kinds of things,


I won’t linger too much longer on the sales page; the only other thing I want to do briefly is talk about pricing. So overall, I think the pricing is pretty reasonable. Like most SAS applications, there’s like a multiple tiers of pricing. And then also you’ve got this this monthly and yearly sort of split. So you get a big discount if you pay yearly. Because you know, once the companies develop the product, they generally rather sell it to you yearly because I can lock in that cash flow, and you’re less likely to you know, see a $40 bill or an $80 bill every month and think you’re going to cancel there. But equally, you can pay monthly as well, three different plans consultant expert and agency, the difference between these really is just in the amount of data you’re able to access, you know, if you’re just a single person, you know, sitting at home, and maybe building a few affiliate websites, in the you know, spare time, you don’t need anything more than the SEO consultant plan. I mean, I use the SEO consultant plan, and I actually work with clients, you know, with my main consulting business, and it’s never been really a limitation for me. If you need a lot more data, perhaps you’re working ecommerce or websites that have a lot of different keyword options, SEO expert might be the one to go for. There’s also the agency platform or agency option here, which gives you way more data, I mean, you know, you’ve got 10 times the data access. The other two key things to bear in mind is that you get the ability to do white label PDF exports of any reports from keyword cake. So that could be really, really useful if you want to wow your customers with a flash looking PDF. Or if you want to do like a sort of, you know, pay on demand Keyword Research Service, for example, you might go on Fiverr and set up service that says Hey, $10, I’ll find you, you know, you know, at least 50 keywords, basically five search phrases or five safe keywords. And then instead of having to muck around with presenting it nicely use put your logo and then it spits it out. The other thing that can be done as well with the agency plan is you can have up to five people logged in at once or five device logins at once. So you know, you could have your

one account for cawood. Kagan, you might have two or three,

you know, freelancers who work under you, or virtual assistants or something like that, you can give them logins to it. And then they can log in as well, where’s the other plans, only one person can be logged in at once. So yeah, I use the consultant plan, I don’t need to use anything more than that. And I actually pay that monthly at the moment because I’m sort of reviewing my software choices. But if you like the software, you know, I’d suggest you to pick the plan you want and probably lock in a good price yearly if you do like it. One thing to note is that there is no free trial available. The reason there’s no free trial available, it’s pretty simple. In my opinion, this is the kind of software where if there was a free trial available, what would happen, someone would come along and say, Hey, I’m going to make a new affiliate blog about toaster ovens. And I’m just going to check in toaster oven is the safe keyword create, you know that free account. And once I’ve written, you know, hundreds of 200 or 300 keywords, and they don’t need the product anymore, so I’ll just cancel that free account. And then you know, these guys lose out on revenue. So I totally get where they’re coming from, you know, the basically, this product would be a huge risk of sort of freebie churning. So just the I can see why they do this,

you do have a 48

hour money back guarantee, though. So if you buy anything while this is crap, you don’t have to, you know, lose your money, you can get it back. So again, canceling subscription, if you need to it is pretty straightforward. As far as languages and countries, they only support English at the moment. And in the following countries Australia, Canada and India, New Zealand, South Africa, United Kingdom, United States, and also global as well. So you that’s basically what you need to know that at a key level. also understand that this is a web based software, you don’t need to install anything on your computer. So it works fine on Mac, it works on PC, presume it work on Linux, pretty much anything we can get on the internet, it should work. So just bear that in mind. So let’s actually go into the toll and just have a little drive around. And then I’ll sort of give you my opinion on whether or not you should use keyword cake. So here we are logged in, I’ve logged into my account, this is the interface, you’ll see, it’s a bit of a basic interface, like it’s not the best looking software in the world, aesthetically, you know, you if you’re sort of a stickler for really flashing devices, you probably want love it. But it’s very functional. This default tab here, find keywords, this is the sort of basics keyword search, if you’ve ever used any keyword research software before, this should look

and function pretty familiar,

you know, pretty familiar fashion, sorry, twist my words there. So you put in your safe keywords here. So we gonna go you know

what let’s do.

Let’s say we want to make a website on coffee machine. So we’ll go that best coffee machine, coffee,

machine review.

You know, coffee machines, those are three safe keywords, you can tab safe, right, you know, or you’re heading to basically add the next one and, and as you can see, it’s actually started as a load that data as well. There’s a progress bar on the bottom. So you know, it’s loading the matrix, you know, loading the latest matrix, and boom, here you go. It’s found us 1400 and 66 unique keywords for best coffee machine. And what that’s done is it’s looking global data, it’s looking at the English language they only support English is looking only at the Google suggest API. And it’s selecting all keyword result types. So we might actually want to say, Hey, I only want to see keywords that are keyword cake is classified as being buyer intent. So you can select all of these options, then only take the buyer intent


And you know, we could also say hey, we only want to get data for the United States. So what we do is we change to United States here, and we hit Search button and then it would update the results. But for now we’re going to leave it as it was here. So what we’re able to see is what you get with your searches. So it’s all pretty straightforward how the system works. So obviously the search result is the keyword the phrase returned by the suggest API. Volume is the search volume globally. CPC is the search volume globally. If we change the United States that would you know, be the search volume in the United States at the CBC in the United States. This is the AdWords or Google ads. Competition. A really new mistake, newbie mistake is to assume that competition refers to SEO competition, it doesn’t. That’s all about Google Ads competition. So generally, the higher the Google Ads competition, the more commercially valuable a keyword is. So if you find something with a high Google Ads competition, but a low SEO competition, not that you generally well, but you might, that could indicate a really good keyword to go after, if you want to do some SEO work, you can see the word value. So this is basically the cost per click, my understanding is that the cost per click times the search volume. So it’s really just like a sort of rudimentary calculation of potential value of a keyword. So you know, we would presume that best coffee machine because more people search, it is more valuable to rank number one for land based coffee machine at home. It’s a pretty fair assumption. You’ve got these on page difficulty of page difficulty, SEO difficulty, and CTR scope metrics. Now, I’m always a little bit wary of any of these automated tools that claim to be able to tell you how difficult it cawood is to rank for like it, you know, here the on page difficulty, the best coffee machine is 27 out of 100 would be the max score. So this is basically saying, you know, that really the competition for best coffee machine is that well


optimize on page and off page, it’s basically saying, you know, how strong of a competing domains, and the SEO difficulties is saying that this is, you know, 49 out of 100, this is an average difficulty. Now, I would beg to differ here, I imagined ranking number one for best coffee machine would probably be pretty tough, you’d be up against some big websites, you know, your wire cutters, and those massive affiliate sites you’d be up against, you know, the well established technology websites, you know, maybe the likes of seen it, you’d be up against all sorts of, you know, very sort of battle hardened affiliate marketers doing all sorts of things with black hat, SEO and private blog, network links, and all those kinds of things. So generally, as a role when you’re using keyword cake, my view is this piece here, the homepage of page in SEO difficulty scores, and CTR scope, I just basically don’t look at that, you know, I guess it’s handy to eyeball things. And maybe you might get a little bit of useful, you know, nudge in the right direction, or start your research in a, in a, you know, with some useful numbers to work off. But I think if you just went through and you know, say to write, I’m going to build a website about best coffee machines, and I’m, you know, because it’s telling me that it’s only 49 out of 100 to rank for this coffee machine, that should be pretty easy. I can guarantee you it won’t be unless you really know what you’re doing. And you have some really strong resources to put into it. The safety of scopes, just giving you an indication, based on I don’t know what they’re using to calculate it to be honest. But how many results are getting clicked on or the likelihood of results getting clicked on. And keyword power is basically a measure of created by keyword cake, of how potentially lucrative overall the keyword is a factoring in, you know, the potential monetization value and traffic value, but also the potential difficulty, How valuable is that keyword, and the higher the keyword power, the beta basically. So from here, to here, really from here to here, so value to keyword power. You know, it’s cold out here to have, you know, it can be useful if you know what you’re doing with it. But I would take anything there with a grain of salt, to be honest, the bit, we’re really using this product for us to find the keyword ideas, get the search volume, get some CPC information, and also look at trends as well, you know, so we want to see what the trend does over time. Or you can click on any keyword suggestion, and it will pop up with this modal showing you everything you know, and its own little view. And there’s all sorts of other stuff you can do. As you scroll down the list, obviously, it’s pretty straightforward. If we hover over this, we can get a feel for what sort of features are showing the search result. So if we click here, that will copy the keyword to our clipboard, that if we look next to it, we can say that this one has ad listings. So their Google ads running on this keyword, we can see it has image listings. So Google would be if we search based copy machine, Google should show images, there are fresh listing. So there are new sites coming into the search results for this keyword. And it’s showing you basically which of their APIs is being used here to to bring that keyword result through. So if we look at this, you know, the reason it’s saying keyword cake here is,

is the API is because

I inputted best coffee machine as my seat keyword. But this one here is telling us that it’s you know, the Google suggests API is being used, we’re looking at United That’s where it’s found it. And the result type is a question. It’s not I don’t really get what the question based coffee machine which I guess someone might answer the ask the question that way. But that’s besides the point I won’t get too involved into this is they’re all useful features. I mean, this is a really straightforward system for finding keywords, you can add them all to list, you can copy all the keywords, you can add negative keywords. So you know, this is from a search I’ve done in the past where I’ve eliminated certain types of keywords, I could remove all these negative keywords, they save now, which is kind of annoying, actually. Because you have to delete them. But we might add, or we might add, so like, we might add the word sprays, I was a negative keyword, because we’re only interested in finding keywords about, you know, filter coffee machines, or drip coffee machines. So it’s all straightforward stuff. You know, you’ve got multiple filtering options here as well. So this is quite powerful, you know, you might only want to look at keywords with search volume between 100 Britain 500 defined something that’s, you know, potentially we had competition long tail, you can filter on all those other metrics, you can specify that there has to be, you know, ads in the listings, or snippets or knowledge graph or product listing, you can save your filters. And you can even do reject work as well. You know, there is a lot of power here in the searching toll. And you can obviously export all of the data is CSV, Excel, or PDF as well. So that is the standard keyword cake finding keywords total, like I said, really easy to use, I think the results are very good. It’s just take this additional stuff that give you that used to pan out the product and make it look more impressive. take it with a grain of salt, there was a strict mode as well. So when you have strict mode is basically saying only show me the data that exactly matches the same keywords I put in. So yeah, this pace, really easy to work with good results at the most fundamental level, but just be wary of somebody, those additional things that are added on that might not be that useful in real life, and could actually lead you astray. Possibly the next nothing’s going to replace like really good manual ACL analysis, you know, looking at your competition, holistically, checking their backlink profiles, you know how well optimize their pages, all that kind of stuff. The next piece is the import keywords too.

So this

doesn’t find you new keyword ideas, what it allows you to do is take a list of keywords that already exists that you found in another totally, you’ve got stashed away and you computer somewhere, paste them in here, and it will basically find you the data. So if our keyword idea was dog training, and don’t training, dog training


and maybe dog training videos, and then we pretend we pasted that in rather than I’ve been lazy and typed it in, and we wait for the important to run. Usually it’s pretty fast. So it’s going to pop up in a second. You can see here that all it’s done is given us the data for that same view in terms of you know how how you see things as the other interface, it’s just only showing you the data for the keywords you imported. NET import CSV in Excel and paste keywords, that’s the thing that was missing or taken away from keywords everywhere that was so valuable, because I still love using tools like Skype box. And things like keyword shed or an Uber suggest to find huge list of longtail keywords, filter out the duplicates, then paste it in here and get lots of data. You’ve also got a couple of other options. So there’s a beta for people also search for keywords. So let’s say that we want to do dog training. Again, this is going to help us look for keywords that people also search for when they search for dog training. So we’re going to go global, and we’re just going to hit Search and we’ll see what comes up. I haven’t run the search in here before. So hopefully the results come you know and reasonable quality. If not, maybe they’re going to have another beta support feedback, email, and they’re ready inbox. So it’s loading up the data. Hopefully it loads up pretty soon. Yep, here you go. So what this is saying is that people who search for dog training, also often search for these keywords or may search for these other keywords. So you’re going to get a lot of random stuff in here. But it’s helpful for picking up a good sort of feel for what people in your niche or industry is searching for. Once again, all of this but you know that the results box, I call it, that’s all the same, all the filtering options are the same, everything is the same. It’s only the functionality in terms of the types of keywords that changes, you’ve also got the ability to find related keywords as well. So once again, that’s using you know, Google’s related keywords API. So we’ll do related keywords functionality, I should say I won’t use the word API incorrectly, someone might call me out on it. And what we’ll do once again, is we’ll run that search and see what sorts of things come up. So it’s it’s running the search. It’s loading the matrix, and we will see what happens. So give it a second. And he go, you know, related keywords. I know one of the things that don’t include a don’t specifically include dog training or aren’t true sort of search terms that spun off from that seed keyword, but that are related as well. So you know, if someone’s interested in dog training, you know, all of these related keywords actually look pretty good, don’t they, you know, they’re probably going to be interested in how to potty train a puppy. You know how to stop a puppy biting all those kinds of things. So yeah, once again, really useful tool for allowing you to expand your keyword research beyond those basic horizons of, you know, I’ve got five seed keywords, I get 100 results per seed keyword, and those are all the keywords I’m going to bother finding, there’s you know, a lot of different ways to skin, the cat, you know, having the related phrases that aren’t necessarily including your seed keyword, and then all the parts of your sake keyword that’s really powerful as well, because some of these keywords, if you could rank, you know, highly Google for them, our ranking YouTube video, you know, you could make some really good money out of this. Once again, you could find some really good keywords for your clients is a TOEFL merging words. So you’re able to merge words together. So we’ll load the sample data, and I’ll show you what it does. So we load the sample data, and wait for it to run rum.

And hopefully, it’s not going to pull us up, get loading the information. And once again, it’s just allowing you to, you know, take some different broad keywords, combine them together and see what happens. And you know, you can build out big keyword lists this way as well. As I said, as always, the the results box stays the same. And then Apart from that, we’ve got plans. So if I wanted to come in and change my plan, obviously I can do it. This is the one I’m on now. But I could change to yearly or upgrade, we’ll go back, we’ve got help. So there’s a simple, frequently asked questions and sort of support section, and also the ability to contact. And the I know that is my account as well. So I could cancel my subscription, I could see my export history, I could see my safe keywords, I can customize my columns, and I can see my profile. So all really basic stuff that I don’t really need to go in there and show you too much more. So if we just return, we’ll just go back to this default search window and leave it there. Basically, let’s wrap up this keyword cake review. Is this product actually worth using? Is it any good? You know, should you consider having it in your arsenal? Well, depends really on what you do. for a living, you know, if you’re building, if you’re doing anything that requires long tail keywords, so you know, you’re building affiliate websites, you know, you’re building, maybe you’re building rank and rent sites, you know, you’re working with clients who you need to help them create content and get keyword ideas for optimizing this site. Maybe you’re doing Google ads, that kind of stuff. cawood cake has a lot of value, you know, you can get into it for pretty reasonable prices, we can go back to the pricing, if you thought hey, these features are good. This is the type of type of tool I would like to use, you know, and use it on a daily basis. Well think about it this way, right? You can pay 288 US dollars a year. So 24 US dollars a month, and you get access to that basic plan, that’s a pretty cheap price to pay that less than $1 a day, US dollar a day for that basic plan paid yearly to get hold of a lot of valuable data. You know, especially as Google has more and more restricted your ability to you know, go in and use the old keywords planet toll and get tons of data. I mean, I remember when I first started doing affiliate marketing, you know, best part of 15 years ago, now you just jump on the old Keyword Planner. And you know, you didn’t have to spend anything, you get tons of data, you’d see all sorts of useful information. Now you don’t see anywhere near as much. So you really do have to fall back on these premium tools. And I do genuinely think that keyword cake is probably one of the beta ones I’ve used. I think the product is very fair for what it is. I think there’s some feature padding, what I call feature padding with those, you know, artificial competition matrix that has the potential to lead people astray. I think and you can new the user could be fooled into thinking right cawood cake has told me it’s going to be relatively easy to rank for this keyword because you know, it’s got an average score. So you go out and you spend a whole lot of time trying to rank for that keyword, you don’t get anywhere and you get hammered by a much more savvy competition. So if you’re able to see around that and just accept that they’ve tried to pair it out with tool to make it look a bit more meaty, then certainly, you know, you’re not going to be too disappointed with that aspect of it. You overall look, it works well. I think even the basic plan, the consultant plan offers good value for money. And fact, you know, for most people, especially the people who are probably going to be watching this video, that’s all you’re likely to need. I mean, like I said, I’ve got clients, and I also run a whole bunch of different affiliate sites, and I never needed anything more. You know, your mileage may vary, of course, but I found it very useful. They add new features, you know, the related keywords, and the people also search for keywords,

those are new features that haven’t been around for too long here. So, you know, there’s always development work going on, I’ve generally found it to be a very stable tool, it’s not particularly buggy works well. You know, it’s not like a sort of offline software, if you know, traffic, Travis, for example, that, you know, sort of does a similar thing, the pro tool, and you know, it’s got perhaps a slightly more powerful SEO competition analysis, or did last time I used it. But that software doesn’t work on Mac, you know, and it can be quite buggy on Windows. So I like the web based nature of it as well. I mean, really, yea to wrap this review up and not ramble on too long. I think keyword cake is worth it. It all comes down to how much you use it though, you know, if you buy the software at it, you know, say you worst case scenario, you pay $40 a month, you sign up monthly, you don’t want to pay the yearly subscription. And you know, you only have one affiliate site and you know you you just want to chip away at one article a month or something like that, it’s probably not going to deliver you that much value, you might use it for a month and they want to cancel it. But if you are regularly creating content, if you’re big into SEO for any purpose, whether it’s client, or affiliate marketing, or you know, creating YouTube videos or anything like that, you know, especially because you can do things like look at the YouTube suggest results, you know, you could go and say right I want to do I want to say what happens if I do dog training for you know, the YouTube suggests API, and we’ll run that search quickly while I talk a little bit more. You know, basically, if you’re in the business of trying to make money for yourself or for your clients out of longtail keywords, I think that’s a good tool. I really do. You know, and this is just showing us here, you know, the kinds of results that come from YouTube suggest, with obviously data that comes off Google database, just bear in mind that all the volume and CPC data is always the Google Ads data not from any other platform, at least that’s my understanding, be an overall keyword cake. It’s a good product. I like how it works, I think it offers reasonable value for money. I think the value for money varies from reasonable to actually good depending on how often you’re going to use it and whether you pay for the yearly option or not. If you enter longtail keywords for any digital marketing purpose, you know and you got the cash sitting there to pay for the yearly version, I don’t think you’ll be disappointed. You know, it’s a great place to start on net sort of, you know, simple keyword research, you can jump on here with a few seed keyword ideas, come up with a good list of keywords get get the feel for how many people might be searching that word. Obviously the the volume is not always as accurate as we’d like it to be. And that’s more to do with where the tool gets the data from. That’s a problem with old keyword research tools, not just this one. But yeah, it’s far the functionality goes I think it really is quite good value for money.

If you found this article useful or need any help, please leave a comment below – I’ll do my best to help you out. And otherwise I will see you on my next review!

Can You Really Make Money Online For Free?

In this article, what I want to do is just basically go through a really important topic, something I get asked all the time, something that most people have asked any point or some point in their online marketing journey. And that’s whether you can make money online for free. It’s the sort of Holy Grail Nirvana of this whole thing. People have sold this dream on how you can go online and you can get rich online, and you know, make tons of money on the internet.

And you need to need to spend anything to do it. You know, who cares about starting a normal business, where you’ve got, you know, expenses, you’ve got to pay rent for an office or for factory or for some sort of facility, you’ve got to pay staff, you’ve got to pay advertising costs, you’ve got to pay, you know, all sorts of things like that. If you’ve got a computer and you’ve got an internet connection, you can get rich online for free, soon as that dream really attainable, or is it just that is it just a dream? So yeah, really, the purpose of this video is just to discuss this and I guess ground you in a minute experiences what I’ve found over the years, I’ve been doing this for well over 10 years now I started out way back when I was at high school, about 15 years old. You know, when I went online, I had an old iMac computer. If you remember the ones that looked like a sort of half a basketball with a, you know, monitor sticking out of it. I got given that by my dad, I got an internet connection, and I wanted some more money. And I went online and I said, How do I make money online for free. And I really went down that rabbit hole if you’re familiar with that. And you know, the journey has been fantastic. There’s been some real ups and there’s been some real downs. But what I want to do is share that knowledge with you. So really to answer the question, can you make money online for free? Yes, you can do it. There is nothing stopping you. The issue, in my opinion, is that if you can get your hands on just a little bit of starting capital, it makes the process so much easier. So for example, let’s say you want to make money online, by building up a nice website. So you your interested in a topic like don’t training, or surfing or organic gardening or survival or prepping or you know, personal development, anything like that they’re just, you know, you think of a magazine rack and your local bookstore, if you’ve still got one of those in your town, the way book sales are going. And you know, think of all the topics that are out there. And all of those magazines, right, they’re all in a niche, they’re all on a topic, you could build a website on very similar thing, you could take a fraction of that, you know, cars you could focus on, on classic cars, you could focus on classic Japanese cars, you could focus on classic Japanese cars in the 1990s. And you probably still have the opportunity to make some fantastic money. But if you think of just building a niche website, getting traffic to it, monetizing it through affiliate offers, yes, you could start it with no money at all. But the issue is the journey will be so much harder. Whereas for the one that a little bit of money, little bit of starting investment, you can make the process much easier. Now if you think about a website, what do you want need to actually build it? Well, firstly, you need a domain name. Now a domain name costs money. Yeah, you can go online and go on to and get a free blog. But the issue is no one’s going to take you as seriously as they would with a paid blog, you’re much more risk of having your your website or your blog taken away from you. So let’s say you use blogger or WordPress, com, the free WordPress, that’s another good example. You know, you start trying to make some money with blog, you build your classic 90s Japanese car blog on WordPress com. And suddenly you find you’ve broken a term and condition and you’re you know, you’re reported for stealing someone’s photos or something like that. And next thing, you know, you’ve got that website taken away from you to be shut down straight away. And so really, you know, if you’re scrambling to do it all for free, it becomes so much harder, because you know, you need a domain name and a domain name cost money. Now you can get domain name for probably about $10 a year, sometimes even less, but you need some money hosting once again, you want to use something like your own self hosted WordPress. So as opposed to, which gives you some basic blogging features for free on a free domain or what you’re actually doing with is using some paid hosting, putting WordPress as an the application or the content management system on that hosting. And then you’ve got your own website that you largely control. I’m ensure the hosting company could come along and kick you off, which is something that’s happened to some businesses or some websites on for political reasons. But for the kind of thing we’re doing, there’s pretty much zero risk of that happening are very minor risk of it happening. But once again, you need some money to begin with. So if you’re sitting there, and you’ve got absolutely nothing, and I mean nothing if you’re thinking, right, I’ve got to make some money online, but I just have no way at all to raise any coin, my advice to you is to go out and try and get some money, not online. So go and find a job, you know, go find some laboring work, some temp, work, whatever, and just get a bit of money, you don’t need a lot the methods I’m going to teach on this channel, by and large, don’t require a lot of investment, you know, you might need at the bare minimum to make some money with affiliate marketing through, say, a niche website. So you build up a niche site, get traffic coming to it and promote affiliate affiliate offers, if you could spare $100 a year for domain and hosting. And that’s being generous, that’s probably all you need. Now, of course, if you’ve got more money, you can get tools that will help you, you can get tools that help with things like link building that helped with things like social media, you know, you could do paid advertising, all sorts of stuff like that, to having money helps money basically gives you scalability. If you think about how successful businesses are run, look at say, you know, Ford Motor Company, for example. Now, Henry Ford didn’t build a massive Motor Company, by trying to do it all for free. He didn’t say, Well, you know, I’ve come up with this really good idea of production line. Now I’m going to design the car, I’m going to go pick up all the parts, I’m going to work the whole production line myself, he built scale into the business leverage by paying other people to do bits of it by building processes. And you know, you’re able to expand that way. most successful businesses out there in the wild that we see, you know, down our high streets, or, you know, we say in the financial papers, or all those kinds of things. They’re all predicated, they’re all built on this concept of you make some money and then you reinvest that money into new equipment, new staff, more training, all those kind of things, you grow your business that way. Now one of the appealing things to a lot of people with online marketing is that they’re sold this dream of you don’t need to do that. And Steve, what you’re able to do is jump on your computer and with nothing more than a laptop or an internet connection, you can become rich, it is definitely doable. I know people who’ve made lots of money, basically spinning nothing, you know, they’ve made their first dollars online by you know, doing parasite SEO with web two point O’s and making some money on Clickbank reinvesting that and growing from there. But I guess my key messages, yes, you can make money online for free, but you are so much better, just to invest a little bit. You know, if you’re already got a job, for example, let’s say you’re working nine to five, I would say keep that job, whatever you do. And then pick a method that resonates with you, whether it’s building up a niche site, whether it’s drop shipping, whether it’s you know, building up big social networks and promoting affiliate products, that way, I’ll be discussing all these methods on this channel that basically use some of the money from your job, you know, if you could spare $10 a week, that’s probably going to give you enough to get a really good start. That’s, you know, $500 a year. That’s enough to begin with. I mean, I started my journey, really with a computer, I started with an internet connection, and I had a domain name and had that domain name so that when I was creating the articles on article directories, what I was able to do with redirect people, they clicked on the domain name, and they actually wound up on a Clickbank landing page, but look more professional. So even they’re starting off, I still have to spend some money, it wasn’t much, but it was some money. And when you’re 15 years old, pretty much anything is a lot of money unless you’re from the cast of MTV, super sweet, 16, or whatever that shows called. So yeah, long story short, if you want to make money online for free, you can do it. But I would rather temper your expectations and say, the way forward is to put some money aside for investment, you know, don’t bet the farm on it, don’t sell your car and quit your job and say, right, you know, I’m just gonna throw it all in and try and make money as an affiliate marketer or, or whatever. Some people will sell you that dream, I don’t think that’s the right way to do it. I’m sure some people will come along and comment and say, No, you need to throw yourself in headfirst. And you know, that works. For some people, I know, some people who have done that they’ve basically given up everything and just taken a mix of gamble. But my advice to you is, you know, if you’ve already got a job, just divert a little bit of money from your job to, you know, separate bank account, each month that you can use for building your business that you can use for investing in things. You know, there are tools out there, there are bits of software, there are trainings there, you know, products, there are advertising opportunities, all of which cost you money. And the thing is having money gives you leverage. A classic example is if I was to build a new niche site today, I could sit there and I could research all the keywords, I could write all the articles, I could post them all, I could optimize them all. I could do it all myself, but I don’t need to because now I’ve built up enough, I guess capital within the business I’m running, what I’m able to do is actually go out there and pay someone else to do it. I can say, right, I want to build a site about dog training, I’m going to find someone who knows about dog training or who can research about it. I’m going to say right about these hundred different topics. And then I’m able to leverage I could have 10 people doing that for me with 10 different sites, and you build leverage and build steam. And that’s how you grow. So yeah, if you are sitting there thinking, I’ve got nothing to my name, can I make money online? Yeah, you can do it, I just want recommend that you try to find at least a little bit of money, and even $100, even $50, to be honest, will get you started, I’m definitely going to have guides on this channel that will allow you to get started for as close to nothing as possible. And you can do it but honestly, it will be so much easier if you just put a little bit of money aside, that’s my biggest bit of advice when you’re starting out is treat this as an investment, you know, and that’s not a lead and for me to pitch you some thousand dollar course that you need to get must buy to get started. I’m going to teach you as much as I can for free. There will be some things I recommend that cost a little bit of money, but I try to recommend things that are reasonably priced.

But having that money within your business and having it earmarked for investment will make things so much easier. So yeah, thanks for watching. If you found this useful, please like the video please subscribe to my channel. If you got a question. If you disagree with me, whatever just leave a comment below. We can duke it out. If it is a disagreement. I always welcome opposing opinions and if you do need help a lot help you out as well. So thanks for watching, and I look forward to seeing you on my next video.